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"Alina...you are here?" my friend Hannah asked. I was in the concert - like many other kpop fans. It was a big day, and we all were for that one handsome guy. Now when I say handsome don't assume it is just about the outer looks for us. He is also the sweetest guy one can find. He was known as the bad boy in high school (I heard from my friend - Hannah) but Hannah also told me he wasn't the toxic kind. So somewhere in the between I guess.

I never knew him personally but Hannah did. She was his sister's classmate. She told me that his friend debuted and attempted suicide because of haters. She said she didn't know anything else as Gowoon (his sister) did not reveal anything else.

"Of course, its the big day. His comeback." I said smiling. No matter whether he is loved or hated by others - but - Alina will always be the biggest fan of Han Seojun.

"SEOJUN! SEOJUN! SEOJUN!" the fans chanted as the greek god himself entered the stage. I was the loudest - of course. I'd even gotten the first row tickets. I always get it. I mean why earn money when you don't spend it on concerts?

Now, you want me to describe him?

You guys seriously don't know - THE HAN SEOJUN?

Argh fine. I will reveal only a little - he has broad shoulders and long legs. He has black hair (which is dyed often because of his job) with bangs that sweep across his forehead towards the right side. He has mono eyelids. He is fair-skinned and considered goth and very handsome. When not working - Seojun often wears makeup, mainly lip tint and BB cream to enhance his features and appear more presentable. He frequently wears fashionable clothing and numerous accessories.

Coming back~ THE HANSEOJUN was standing at the center of the stage, closing his eyes as if he was absorbing the positivity around him. He took a deep breath and started - "This is for all the women who hate themselves."

"In the mirror's reflection, she sees the pain,

Every flaw a reminder, driving her insane.

She's searching for beauty in all the wrong places,

But the emptiness lingers, leaving traces.

She's a masterpiece of broken dreams,

Painted in shades of silent screams.

In a world that tells her she's not enough,

She's drowning in a sea of self-doubt and rough.

She wears a smile like armor, masking her tears,

Hiding behind laughter, concealing her fears.

She's trapped in a cycle of self-hate and despair,

Longing for someone to show they truly care.

But beneath the scars lies strength untold,

A spirit resilient, waiting to unfold.

She's more than the sum of her doubts and her pain,

In her darkness, a glimmer of hope remains.

(the next stanza was sung in a high tone)

To all the women who hate themselves,

You're not alone, you're worth more than wealth.

Embrace your flaws, let your light shine through,

For in your imperfections, lies beauty true!!!!!!!!!!"

When he was done there was a pin-drop silence in the concert hall. Even I was silent. Quiet tears flowed down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them off. His words, and his voice both touched my heart, put it to bed and sang a lullaby. That's how good it felt. I hate myself - of course. I turned around to see almost everyone in tears. Seojun walked around the stage as he started his fan-talk. He threw his microphone to one lucky fan and she got to talk to him. But when she was talking to me - i swear - his eyes met mine. He raised his eyebrow and smiled at me before turning back to the girl.

When he was done, I realized his ring had slipped out of his hand. And it rolled towards me and landed at my feet.

And like every normal fan, I took it. I wanted to wear it and keep it with me forever but the ring might mean something to him. I cannot just take away his memory for my selfish gain. I raised my hand with the ring. He noticed it and then looked at his hand. A look of horror flashed across his face. He walked to me and I gave him the ring.

"Thank you"

My heart did a little disco inside me. My idol talked to me. After I went home I literally screamed into my pillow. Hannah was beside me, looking happy. She had seen her idol close of course. My mother would have thought we turned crazy but who cares?

"You still have Gowoon's number?" I asked Hannah.

"No we lost touch long back. Argh" she said, facepalming herself. I sighed. If only we got Gowoon's number. If only Gowoon recognises Hannah again - then we would be even closer to Seojun. Ah somebody give me my delusional pills.

I was about to say something when my little brother came running in.

"Alina! The Hoatzin, found in South America, has a unique digestive system that allows it to ferment the leaves it eats, leading to a foul odor often associated with the bird." he said jumping around. "Really? Wow" I said even though I already knew this point. My brother was 16 and a little retarded. That's what people call him. But for me, he is my little encyclopaedia. My dictionary. You know why? Because he is a genius. He knows facts about every bird in the world.

"The Lyrebird is known for its incredible ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds, including chainsaws and camera shutters." he said and I hugged him - "Very good Jisungie!"

Jisung - my brother - had a condition called age regression. So he was 16 but mentally he was 6. Because dad became aggressive when he was 7. His body decided to shut down the bad parts altogether.

Jisung sighed sitting beside me - "Noona?"


"Am I mental?"

"No" I said almost immediately. "Who said that to you Jisungie?"

"Hyunjinn, he came to the park today." he said. "He said mean things and said I am mental" he said. I hugged Jisung.

I will have a talk with Hyunjin's mom tomorrow.

"Am I troubling you a lot noona?" he asked me. "No! Not at all. Hyunjin is a jerk. Okay?" I said. "What's a 'jerk'?" he asked me. "A bad person." I answered. Hannah sighed and smiled looking at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"You guys know that Hyunjin is my brother." she said and I smiled - "True. But your brother is not like you...."

"I understand Alina. Don't explain it. Jisung honey, look at me. You are the best boy. Okay? My brother is a jerk" she said.

See. That's Hannah for you. She doesn't support anyone that is wrong. 

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