1 - First Day

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Ethan hadn't felt so much excitement in his life. He was finally old enough. He had turned 18 a week before, but he had to wait for his final paycheck.

Everything seemed anew, and it was too good to be true. His parents were only ecstatic to get him out of the house. The sinner.

After going through everything with the owner of the apartments, he could finally move in. It would be barely furnished, but it would be home.

Sheets, blankets, and a few pillows. Besides his work uniform and a few books, he didn't have much else. The apartment was separated into three rooms. A small bathroom, a room that was barely big enough to fit the bed, and the main room, which held the kitchen and assumingly the living room.

After getting set up at a small job where he'd serve coffee and pastries, then another serving at a bar at night, he arrived back to the apartment through an Uber.

Exhausted, he unlocked it. Opening the door with his luggage in hand, he walked in.

It was basically empty, but enough for him. He had a few days to design his new home before he had his first shift. But the first thing on his mind was sleep.

The door creaked shut, red flag. The rooms didn't smell the greatest, red flag. No signs of mice, surprisingly. He had yet to get food, but he'd decided to do that tomorrow.

Part of having a family that hated him was having to defend, feed, and depend on only yourself.

He sighed as he opened his luggage, grabbing the fresh sheets and pillows. He quickly made the small bed, which was barely a mattress, and laid down.

New item for the list; get a new bed. He internally groaned as his eyelids closed without permission. He had so much to do. But it was so freeing.

Now, he was sipping his third cup of coffee, forcing his body to stay awake. He had just begun his day. He had shopping, cleaning, and decorating to do.

He had slept until noon, even when going to bed at 9 the night before. He had a missed call from his sister, and a few texts worried if he had died or not.

It was currently 12:30, his shopping list almost completely written down. He needed cleaning supplies, lightbulbs, clothing, food, and energy drinks if he was going to work two jobs.

He hoped he had enough for the rent and for the groceries. He had saved throughout his childhood, barely treating himself more than a few candy bars on his birthday.

Once he finished the cup and put it in the sink, he put on his very worn down sneakers.

Double checking for his wallet and keys, he locked the door behind himself. Very few people were on the sidewalks, different from his hometown.

The stores were close to his apartment, partly why he chose it. His work was also close, just a few blocks away.

The first two stores were easy, and nobody questioned his outfit. He wore skinny jeans that complimented his ass and a crop top. To make his outfit 'pop', he added a little support pin he picked up at the gas station. His hair was pulled back into a tight bun on the top of his head, bangs brushed behind his ears. They rested on his cheeks.

It was the only clothes he really kept from their house. Everything else was too 'manly'. Suits, and sports shirts. Some with actual signatures from the players.

The third store, a woman with two small children, glared at him. A few profanities, including the gay slur, left her mouth. She shielded her children from him.

He rolled his eyes. He was totally the problem here. He just wanted some chips. What's wrong with that?

When he was checking out, the lady came up to him; the children were nowhere to be seen.

"I know a very beautiful church, just up the road. They help people find the light of God, especially people who need helping," her face was pulled back into a clearly fake smile, her eyes scanning over him with disgust.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm an atheist," He shrugged and pulled out his wallet to pay for his groceries. Apparently, the lady wasn't done.

"You'll go to hell if you continue choosing this lifestyle," she commented.

"I'll pull you with me if you don't leave me alone," He rolled his eyes before grabbing the bags and walking away. He couldn't help but grin as he walked to the side of the road.

He pulled out his phone to call the Uber. This would be the third time that day, but his shopping had finally been completed.

All there was left was to clean and decorate.

Word count: 865

Hello everyone! How'd you enjoy it so far?

I promise there is no hate on Christianity or any religion. That part was focused on mainly some past issues I've dealt with. I support all groups, & I understand not all groups are represented well with social media and society. If anybody needs anyone to talk to, I'm always open to listening.

Have a good day/night!
-Alexai <3

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