Chapter 3: 'Instant Ramen and attitude'

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I stood at 666AB with dread for at least 10 minutes just staring at the wooden door. As I finally opened it, I crossed my fingers behind my back hoping he wouldn't be there yet. Unfortunately he was. Joy. I awkwardly peaked in the doorway, trying to think of what to do. When he finally looked up at me, I was stiff as a board in fear. He could easily kill me if he wanted to. Maybe if I stood still he wouldn't see me- "You want something freak?" He asked, sitting on his bed that he chose. I quickly looked around the room from where I stood to find an excuse. That was when I saw at least 3 of his designer bags on what would be my bed. "Yeah. Get your shit off of my bed." I commanded.

The words slipped out. He said something under his breath as he used his telekinesis to move his bags next to his bed. I walked in, trying to keep my head up to look at least somewhat confident. I unpacked my stuff into the dressers and bathroom. Once I finished, I sat on my bed, pulling out my witchcraft practice book. In the Demon realm, every person born is assigned with 2 powers, witchcraft being the most common. So common that there are different level practice books produced world wide. The levels are from 1-10. The average adult usually ends up at around 8 or 9 by the time they turn 30. What level was I on? 2. I shared the same level as a 7 year old child. The only reason I was here was for my (mostly) straight A's in every other class besides math, and of course witchcraft.

"You're only on 2?" Someone challenged. It was Jaxx. Of course it was. I stared at the floor. "Yeah." I muttered. "Were you born yesterday or something?" He asked with a laugh. I shook my head. If it was anyone else, I would have been swearing them out, but this was the prince of Hell and the Demon Realm. One comeback wasn't worth my life. "I guess you're retarded then?" He said. "Are you?" I snapped. 

Apparently it was to my loud mouth as within seconds, I was pinned against a wall with a knife to my throat."If you ever give me any of that attitude again I'll slit your fucking throat off." He threatened in a low growl. I nodded quickly. My feet quickly landed back on the wooden floor. When I looked up, he was heading towards the door. Before he left, Jaxx turned around to face my direction. "Hayden?" He called. How'd he know my name- "When I get back, dinner better be ready." He said in a threatening tone. Before I could reply, he left. His words made me feel like a battered housewife as I watched the door slam shut behind him.

I sighed, looking in the fridge. He didn't bring any food, and I barely did. The only food in there was the off brand Ramen cups that we would have to eat for the night. A few minutes later, his precious dinner was ready. I put his plate by the microwave, and started eating my off-brand dinner. After a minute, he was already back. I assumed he left to kill a few demons to let out his anger. He looked at me expectantly. I pointed to his plate. As he put his Ramen in the microwave, he made sure to glare at me as he did it. "Next time you think about eating without me, don't." Jaxx commanded. I nodded. As we ate together, it was silent for the most part as he continued to glance at me every minute. In fear, I acted like I didn't notice. "You're weird." He commented. "Thanks." I replied. "That wasn't a compliment." he specified. "Weird is better than being an entitled boring snob." I stated. Jaxx stared at me for a minute. "Usually people fall in love with me by now..." He said. "I can't even fall asleep. And if I did 'fall in love' with someone, it wouldn't be a person that implied I was retarded and put a knife to my throat." I responded. He conveniently didn't say anything.

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