Chapter 22: 'Hinting'

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Jaxx took advantage of me having to be his servant the moment we came back to the dorm. As soon as I sat down, he decided it would be the perfect time to piss me off. "Hayden?" He called smugly. I looked up at him. "Would you be a doll and get me some wine?" I sighed. "Fine." I muttered, going to the fridge. "There isn't any." I told him. "Then go to dorm 947A and steal some." He commanded.

I knocked on the door Jaxx told me to. My heart sank when I saw Raven answer. "I need wine." I explained. "Why?" She interrogated. I sighed. "I pushed Jaxx out of his chair and poured toxic chemicals on him in science and now the principal is making me be his servant." I explained. Raven laughed at my pain. "Can you just give me it?" I whined. "Fine. How many?" I thought of him. "Probably more than a few."

I came back to the dorm with 7 different bottles of wine. "Took you long enough." Jaxx commented as I walked in. I ignored him and poured him his precious wine. He smiled mischievously as I handed it to him. I pondered on what he would have me do next. "You know I could do whatever I want to you right now and get away with it." He threatened. "Yeah." I muttered. "Come here." Jaxx demanded. I dragged my feet toward him, ready for him to torture me. Perhaps kill me. My dead body would be found decapitated in a dumpster. If anyone cared if I was gone.

I sat next to him. His Polly pocket movie filled the silence until he paused it as he turned to me. "Are you single?" He asked. "People usually say I'm more of an album." I answered. "I'd say you're more of a weak insecure little demon with an attitude that happens to be cute. " Jaxx countered. "Nobody said you had to like me." I replied. "What if I do?" He questioned. "...Well you don't so you shouldn't worry about that-" I started. "If I didn't like you, why would I voluntarily kiss you in a forest?" He questioned again. I paused. "Manipulation and gas lighting." I suggested. "I don't want to have to hurt you." Jaxx said. "You never had to. There's a thing called talking about your feelings." I countered. "Says you." He commented. I glared at him. "Don't give me that look." Jaxx commanded in a threatening tone. "What are you going to do about it?" I challenged. "I'll make you behave." He endangered. My heart sank. "What do you mean by that?" I inquired. "You'll regret having such an attitude."

"I don't have an attitude problem." I disagreed with a scoff. "Sure." (Sarcasm) He replied. "Name one time." I jested. "I slept with you after you had a nightmare, and that morning, you questioned why I would care even though I've been hinting at it to you for more than a week.." Jaxx brought up. Realization hit me like Erebus would as I stared at the floor. Maybe I did have a problem... "Another time I protected you from Erebus and you barely thanked me." He listed. "Because you act like I'm your slave." I justified. I guess my 'attitude' was too much for him because of what he said next. "Shit like this is probably why your mom left you." He commented. Usually I was used to his bullshit, but his words hit me like a bullet. The bullet he would probably shoot me with one day as he clearly hated me. "Don't say that..." I croaked, tears filling my eyes. "What are you going to do? Kill me? You're such a disapointment your parents they left you-" Jaxx started. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I snapped. He punched me so hard I fell on the floor. "YOU DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!!" He yelled. Before he could see my cry, I ran out the door. 

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