Chapter 32: 'Home'

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"Now it's your turn to go." What did I feel...? I did like him. I liked him a lot. I just don't know why. There was something about his blonde hair and dark gaze that gave me butterflies. The way he would comfort me when I had nightmares, no matter how mad he was at me. The way he would stare at me in class thinking I didn't notice. The way he would protect me from bullies. The way he would write about me in his diary... Ew. Feelings. I already knew what would happen if I told someone about them. They would just use them against me. It happened before. Who's to say Jaxx won't do the same to me? He has more than enough power to tell everyone and- "Are you gonna give me an answer or just second guess yourself?" Jaxx's voice snapped me back to reality. "I...I don't know..." I muttered. I felt him stare at me. "I think you're just in denial that someone would like you." He suggested. It sounded true. Who else would?

"What can I do?" Jaxx questioned. I really had no idea. Nobody ever cared this much about me to ask. Not even my own mother. All I was to her was a disappointment that needed to be fixed by an overrated boarding school. The sad part was for the longest while I thought she cared. It took her to abandon me for men thirty times for me to realize that she didn't.

Her sex life was more important than me. My past babysitters knew me better than she did. "So is she why you have abandonment issues?" Jaxx asked. That's when I realized how stupid I was. I forgot he could read minds. "You're not stupid." He commented. "Sure." I muttered. "A stupid person wouldn't be alive right now would they?" Jaxx replied. "I guess not." I reluctantly agreed. For a few minutes, the German TV show was the only thing filling the silence in the hospital room. "You know, my mother wasn't really the best either." Jaxx mentioned. "Did she abandon you every time she could?" I asked. "No. That was the problem." I tilted my head in confusion. "She was only there to insult me." He explained. "Everyday I would wake up she would insult me about anything she could think of. And the whole time my father would just ignore it. Even when I would try telling him, he would just say that it was probably for a reason..." He continued sniffling. There was a pause as I saw tears fill his eyes. "All I've ever wanted is for someone to love me..." Jaxx said quietly. I wanted to tell him that I did. I really did. And that he shouldn't care about his parents if they didn't care about him. But no words came out. All I could do was guiltily stare as he cried.

"I do..." I countered. His sobs slowly came to an end. "Y-You do...?" He asked over tears. "Of Course I do Jaxx." I replied. He got up and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. Just then Violet opened the door. "Hayden?" She called. I looked up. "If you want to, you can go back to your dorm." My eyes lit up. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah you'll just need a knee brace. And you can't really go to school. But I thought you guys would want to go back there-" Jaxx bolted into the storage room, coming back with what she talked about.

After getting the brace on, Jaxx insisted on carrying me like a princess to our dorm. Once we got inside, he placed me on my bed and put on SLASHER. The movie that once scared him. "Are you sure...? Didn't you get scared last time-" I began. "It's fine." He interrupted. I could see the fear in his eyes as he slowly clicked the 'continue playing' button. 

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