Chapter 25: 'Dinner with the Devil'

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The moment I saw him, all I could do was stand in the doorway. I couldn't do anything but stare in disbelief. I looked to my right. The color left Jaxx's face. "Oh...Hello father..." He greeted weakly. Lucifer turned to me. "Who's this?" He questioned. "That's my uhm...-My friend." lied. "We both know you don't have any real friends." His dad countered. "And even if he was, What did I tell you about befriending peasants?" Satan continued. "Not to..." Jaxx muttered. I knew I did not just get called I peasant. "Satan?" I asked, hesitantly taking a few steps closer to the kitchen. "It's King Lucifer to you-" He began. "It's stupid." I interrupted. Satan looked up at Jaxx, pointing at me. "WHO DOES THIS FUCKER THINK HE IS?" He sneered. "Hayden Hawksley." I answered. He glared at me. "What are you doing here?" Jaxx interrupted. "Well I just thought I would visit my favorite son." Lucifer said, twirling his pitchfork as he stood up. "I'm your only son." My boyfriend replied."Exactly!!" He responded. "Are you just here to torment me?"' His son questioned. "So what if I am?"

Jaxx sighed. "That's what I thought." Lucifer concluded, taking a pause to look around. "This is all you boys did with the place?" He jested. I nodded. "Where's the flavor? It's just so plain. This is the best you could do? Don't you have any shame?" He continued. "If you don't like it you could always leave." I commented. He checked the time. "What do you children have for dinner?"

Satan stared at his microwaved pasta. "That's it?" He asked. I pointed to the half empty salt and pepper shakers on the counter. He scoffed. "Father...?" Jaxx called. "What?" The devil asked. "Well I've been thinking about it for a while and I'm uhm..." He stared at the floor nervously. I thought back to when we kissed and he cried thinking of what his father would do if he found out. I held his hand under the table. It was the least I could do. When I did, he smiled at me a little, looking back up at his dad. "What?" He asked. "I'm Pansexual." Jaxx admitted in an anxious tone, squeezing my hand. 

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