Chapter 7: 'Guessing and giving up'

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Around 30 minutes later, I had another visitor. Jaxx. "You okay?" He asked. "Oh, yeah I'm fine I just got shoved against a wall and clawed at." I said bitterly. For a second he glared at me. "What are you gonna do? Finally kill me off like you do to everyone else that has such an attitude?" I sneered. He just handed me a small stack of papers. "Mrs. Goldie wanted me to give you these." Jaxx replied, ignoring my question. "Wow. so nice of you." I said sarcastically as he walked out. I looked down at the papers, and saw a sticky note on the top. I thought it would be from the teacher, but it was from him.

Sorry I guess.


It was the 'I guess' that made me give up on having a decent school year. It was the second day and he already beat the shit out of me. I crumbled up the note and threw it across the room in frustration just as the main nurse walked in. She caught it in mid air as she opened the door and read it, then looking up at me. "I guess...?" She repeated. "I know." I responded bitterly. She threw it in the trash, and used the chair next to my hospital bed to sit with me. "You're Hayden?" I nodded. "I'm Violet." She introduced. "And Jaxx is an asshole." I declared. "He's not as bad as you think..." Violet countered. "I bet Lucifer isn't as bad either." I acknowledged. (Sarcasm.) "I think the only reason he's been so much of an 'asshole' is because of his sister going missing..." She said. "Have you met him?" I jested. "Yeah." She answered. "Wait...You have?" I asked. "Do you know Raven Madlock?" I shook my head. "She's my sister. I used to be rich and royal like the rest of our family until they wanted me to date a boy." She stated. 

"Was he a killer or something?" I interrogated. "No...There was nothing inherently wrong with him, but the reason why I never dated him like my parents wanted me to is because I'm lesbian. So after I came out to them, I got kicked out. I still see my sister Raven sometimes but not that often... And that's how I met Jaxx." Violet admitted. "How?" I inquired. "Well usually in royal families like mine and Jaxx's, the parents usually pick out other wealthy people for their kids to date when they're old enough. So one day when I saw Raven, she brought him with her." Violet told me. "Did he claw your arm and tell you that you had an attitude problem?" I challenged. "No. But he told me about his mom..." She said. "What about her?" Violet paused. "That's not my story to tell." She replied, getting out of her chair. "But he's an asshole..." I argued. "He can be, but I think it's best that you get some rest." Before I could say anything else, she walked out, leaving me to ponder Jaxx's family.

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