Chapter 37: 'Guest'

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I slowly opened my eyes, putting on my glasses as I sat up. When I looked at the wall by the other side of Jaxx's bed I saw Fluffy instead of him. Weird. Usually he was already up. I looked at the clock thinking I woke up early.

10:09 AM

It was a Saturday so I guessed he was out doing errands. I got out of bed and pulled a Pentagram-Tart (Demon realm's Pop-Tarts) out of the pantry, setting it on a plate. It felt weird without him. Someone knocked on the door. I jumped out of my chair expecting to see Jaxx outside but instead I saw Erebus. The last time I saw him, he got punched in the cafeteria and ran away. I saw he had a black eye from it as I opened the door. "Where's Jaxx?" Erebus questioned menacingly. "I don't know-" I started. He pushed me out of the way and stomped in my dorm looking for him. "He's not here." I informed. He ignored me looking under beds and inside cabinets. "WHERE THE HELL IS HE?!!" Erebus interrogated dramatically. "I told you. I don't know." I reinforced. "I bet you do and you two cunts are just plotting against me." I stared at him blankly. "If you're looking for cunts, they're not here. Neither of us are girls-" I started. He pushed me to the floor. Oh hell no.

This prude wasn't about to come into my dorm, insult Jaxx and I, and push me around. I got up and slapped him. "You are not going into my dorm just to treat me like shit. Your precious Jaxx isn't here so how about you get out and take a hint and get the hell out dumb ass." I insulted. Before he could hit me someone walked in the open door. Jaxx. The door was behind Erebus so he couldn't see or hear him as he ranted about how 'powerful' he was and how I shouldn't be messing with someone as 'handsome' and 'strong' as him. Whatever he wanted to believe. I would say he had a face only a mother could love, but his mom would be too disappointed in how much of a dick he is to love anything about him. Jaxx stomped behind Erebus, and whacked him with one of the grocery bags he held in his hands. "OW!!" The dush yelled. It was probably just a box of pasta. "What are you doing here bothering him?" He interrogated. "I was looking for you." Erebus explained in an angry tone. "For what?" Jaxx challenged.

"Vengeance." he answered, making an attempt to punch him. He caught his hand within a second. I saw the panic in Erebus's eyes. But Jaxx dropped it surprisingly. "Apologize to Hayden and maybe I won't kill you." He commanded. The prick rolled his eyes. "Fine." He grumbled. "Sorry." He muttered. "For?" Jaxx questioned. Erebus heavily sighed. "For calling you and Jaxx cunts and pushing you." He continued. "YOU DID WHAT!!?" Jaxx yelled, fire blazing from his shoulders. The dush flinched back. "W-Well I can explain-" He stammered. I didn't want to protect Erebus, but I didn't want Jaxx to kill him either. By now I recognized the look on his face. Something really bad was going to happen. And I was probably the only one that could stop it.

I put a hand on Jaxx's arm as he was about to pounce on and murder Erebus. He looked at me. "Only beat him up a little. He's not worth it that much to kill him." I directed. Instead of responding with an appreciated 'Oh okay' or 'I'll make sure to do that', he just started swinging at him. I stood awkwardly. I couldn't do very much. My powers were limited and not very helpful, and if I told an adult, I wouldn't want Jaxx getting in trouble. Besides, he was more powerful than all of the teachers combined.

The best I could do was try to stop Jaxx with words. I never had to stop a fight. Especially not one so...severe... I was usually the one in the fight. Not stopping it. "J-Jaxx...?" I called nervously. My voice sounded like a broken frog. Thankfully he heard me and stopped punching him as he looked up. "What? I'm trying to do something here." Jaxx replied. "Well I mean don't you think you could be a little more...Less violent..?" I questioned faintly. He sighed, getting up. "Fine..." Jaxx muttered. He looked down at Erebus. "You're lucky Hayden's sensitive. Now get the fuck out."

The moment he said that was the moment Erebus scrambled to his feet and ran outside, slamming the door behind himself. "Did he do anything else to you?" Jaxx integrated. "Nothing but annoy me about where you were." I answered. He sighed. "His bratty sister is even better than him..." He muttered. "Sister?" I asked curiously. From what I knew Erebus's parents had him and were too traumatized by his personality to have anymore kids. "Yeah. Her name's Parker. Real brat. She would always come to his dorms to call him a fire hazard when I was there." He explained. I would if I knew where the prick lived. 

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