Chapter 23: 'His half assed apology'

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I stared at our neighbors dorm, contemplating if I should knock. Eventually I did. A strangely familiar girl answered the door. "Are you Hayden- Oh shit are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked, tilting her head. That's when I recognized her. Quinn. The girl from the halls the day Jaxx screwed my arm. "Jaxx..." I answered. She stepped aside. "Do you want to come in?

Before I knew it, I was sitting next to her on the couch crying about Jaxx. "I'll give you some advice I always follow. Don't let men make you cry, make them cry.." She advised. "He's a literal spawn of Satan. He probably hasn't even cried in his life with his barbaric emotions." I replied. "What did he do?" I could think of plenty of examples. "There was one time Jaxx slapped me with my spell book, but then he decided a minute later to help me with it." I continued. She rolled her eyes. "Men sometimes." Quinn said disapprovingly, shaking her head. Just then there was a knock on the door. I watched her get up and answer it. From the angle I was at, I couldn't tell. But I hoped it wasn't the man I just argued with. "What are you doing here?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "Is Hayden here?" Someone interrogated. The only other person that might care was Jaxx. Might. "Why would you care?" Quinn asked back, thinking the same thing I was. There was a pause in their conversation. "Can I just talk to him? Or see if he's okay?" He begged. She sighed and let him in.

The first thing he did was run to me. "Are you okay?" Jaxx questioned in a concerned tone. Tears stung my eyes as I stared at the floor. "Why would you care?" I asked. He paused, sitting in silence. "Exactly. You don't." I stated. Jaxx got up, gesturing for me to go with him. I was not about to go back to that hell hole- "Remember our deal?" That blackmailing son of a bitch...I thought. I was about to get up and follow him before Quinn stood between us as I sat. "That wasn't his choice." Quinn declared. "What's some little girl like you going to do about it-" He started. She kicked his junk. I watched as Jaxx dramatically collapsed to the floor. "OW!! MY BIG DICK!!" He yelled. She kicked his throat. "SHUT UP AND LEAVE HAYDEN ALONE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!" She commanded. He sniffled. "MAN UP AND GET HAYDEN HIS STUFF!!" I watched him scramble out of her dorm.

Jaxx came back with a bag filled with my stuff I would need for tomorrow, as well as my school bag. "Can I see him now?" He begged. From afar, I could still see the tears in his eyes from when Quinn kicked him. "Only to apologize." She answered. I gripped the blanket next to me in fear as he walked over. "Sorry..." He muttered, staring at the floor. She slapped his head. "OW-" He started. "You just punched him in the face and you can't even look at him to apologize? Nobody wants that half assed apology. Now sit up straight, look at him in his eyes, and give him the apology he deserves." She commanded. I watched as his posture straightened, and his head lifted up. "I am s-so sorry Hayden-" He started. "DID YOU JUST STUTTER!!?" Quinn yelled. I wasn't Jaxx and even I was scared of her. He began to cry. "Yes mam..." He answered quietly. She sighed, going to her desk. I watched her shove a paper and pen his claw hands. "Since you're too much of a wuss wimp to grow a pair and apologize then you're just going to write Hayden a note of everything you did wrong and how sorry you are." She handed him a laminated, color coded paper. "Everything you did is on that. And if you lose it you're going to lose your life too." Quinn stated. "Okay..." He replied. "Now get out." He didn't just get out. He ran out.

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