Chapter 9: 'Tough but mine' (Jaxx to Hayden's POV)

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I'd never seen such a big attitude from such a weak demon like him. Sometimes I ponder where all of it came from. Like now, as I watched him back talk my friend Erebus. When I saw Hayden slap him, I knew he was in trouble. I decided to step in before he would get hurt. I got up and was about to walk over. That's when Erebus threw him against a wall.

While I had many powers, most were at the least, as average as the demons at this school. Like my telekinesis. I've been prioritizing it in my practice, but It's not as good as it could be. My strengths are more things like element control or mind reading. But when Hayden got hit, he did something I had never seen anyone as weak as him do. He got up, and fought back, pushing him to the floor. After he got on top of him, and began punching him in the face. After Hayden got off of him, Erebus grabbed his bag, and quickly left. All I could do was stare at him with disbelief. I had met and seen less powered demons like him, but I had never seen one with such bravery and wit. 


When I turned around, I saw Jaxx staring at me with a startled look. I was shocked by myself too. Usually, at home when I would let out my anger, it would be at an object. Not another person. I began to ponder on whether I would get in trouble. WHAT IF HE LEFT TO TELL THE PRINCIPAL...? OR THE NURSE...? OR ONE OF HIS FRIENDS...? HE COULD TOTALLY GET AT LEAST 5 PEOPLE TO JUMP ME ONE DAY- "I'll keep you safe. They're all afraid of me." I heard Jaxx counter. "Why would you?" I questioned. "Why wouldn't I?" He shot back. "Because you hate me." I stated. "I don't hate you. That's why I put you in your place." Jaxx responded. "A hospital room?" I offered. "Doing what I tell you to." He answered. "Just because I have less money than you, it doesn't mean I'm your servant." I said. "Well whatever you are, you're mine." Jaxx acknowleged. 

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