Chapter 43: 'Late night drive'

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Once again, I was back in the- Well this time my father used a new car to drive us somewhere. But the same gist still remained. Stuck in a car with my father ranting on about gross stuff raven and I need to do as he drags us both to another unnecessary date. (CHRISTMAS CHECKPOINT) "Where are we going?" I interrogated. We had been driving for at least 20 minutes. "It's a surprise." Lucifer answered. "It's stupid..." I muttered. "You're going to call this stupid when you have the decision making skills of a retard?" He jested. I slouched looking out the window. "Burn." Raven said, sipping on her leftover Sufferingbucks coffee (Demon Realm's Starbucks). I glared at her. "I wish you would burn." I commented. "Don't say that to your girlfriend Jaxxon." Satan disciplined. "I don't even want her." I replied angrily. The girlfriend in question scoffed. "Well I don't want you either, asshole." She snapped. "Good. The last thing I need-" I got interrupted by a sharp turn caused by my father. 

"SON OF A BITCH!!" He vented. I knew I was one. He rolled the front window down. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT-" He started. "GO FUCK YOURSELF!!" The angry lady next to us argued back. "I'LL GO FUCK YOUR MOM HARDER THAN YOUR OLD CAR IS TO DRIVE POOR!!" Satan protested. I sighed at my fathers instigation. The light turned green. I sat up a little, thinking their bickering was finally over. That was until I saw him glaring at the car next to us as he went over the speed limit. I looked behind us, only to see blue and red flashing lights. Oh no...

"What happened?" A police officer asked, holding a clipboard. I looked at the million dollar car my father wrecked with us in it. "My dad..." I answered. I watched as he (attempted to) talk his way out of arrest. As much as it would disappoint me, I really hoped I was adopted. The officer I was talking to wrote something down. "Continue." He commanded. "All I know is he took a sharp turn and started arguing with the lady in the car next to us. Then they started racing each other to get to a gas station she was trying to go to, and my dad wrecked the car into that electric pole." I explained. "Susan?" He asked, gesturing to the angry lady with his pen. I nodded. He grunted something, writing more down. While he did, I read his name tag.


"Hey Diane!?" Walter exclaimed. The girl interviewing Raven turned to him. They both compared our stories. "Looks like they match up." The girl commented. "As for him..." Diane said, eyeing up Lucifer. I looked at the tired officer questioning Satan. By the exaggerated hand gestures, and incoherent yelling, I knew what he said wasn't true. At best he was exaggerating everything that happened in his favor. But he was probably lying that I did it. Eventually he stopped talking, and all three of the officers compared their notes. "That Jaxxon guy killed 80 children on his way to that car...?" The officer I talked to said in a confused tone. "How?" Diane questioned. "In a mass shooting..." She took the clipboard away from him. "So Jaxxon shot 80 children in a mass shooting at 'Trouble is us' (Demon Realm's Toys R Us) then went out, burned their dead bodies in a trash fire, took Raven and Lucifer in his car with him to chase Susan because she was the one lady that escaped from the store..." Diane listed skeptically. "Didn't 'Trouble Is Us' close 2 years ago...?" Walter asked. The traumatized officer nodded. "Lucifer?" One of them called. "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME BITCHES!!" He yelled, jumping over a fence. I watched as he ran away after throwing me under the bus. What a great father. (Sarcasm)

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