Chapter 29: 'Reunited' (Jaxx to Hayden's POV)

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I slept on the floor next to his bed. Technically I never slept. I just stared at Hayden until the sun came up and Violet walked inside. "Did you get any sleep?" She asked. I shook my head. "Well I got you something." I looked up where I got handed a cup of cereal with a plastic spoon and a small carton of milk. "It was the best I could find." She continued. I ate breakfast, and did everything I usually did in the morning from the bathroom. Afterwards, I looked back at Hayden before I left. It felt weird leaving without him. 

It felt even weirder sitting in witchcraft class without him. I stared at the empty seat next to me. I missed hearing his confused mumbles and the cursing under his breath as he worked. I missed getting to glance at his doodles when he went to the bathroom. I missed being able to secretly look at him. I missed his whole presence. Mrs. Pentagram's teachings were abruptly interrupted by the intercom.

"Can Jaxx Morningstar be sent to the nurse with his stuff please?"

"He's on his way." She replied. I shoved everything in my backpack and left, making sure to glare at everyone that ever so glanced at me. As devastated as I was, I still wanted to be feared. While I was in the hallway, people jumped out of my sight. Were people really that afraid of me, or was I still used to Hayden? When I stepped into the nurse's office, Violet was already waiting for me with a small smile. "What happened?" I asked. She responded by opening Hayden's door. I stepped inside. 


A few minutes after I woke up and was explained what happened the two nights before, the door opened again. This time, instead of seeing Violet, I saw Jaxx. The moment he saw I was awake, he ran to me in tears hugging me tightly. "I thought I lost you..." He said quietly. I was just surprised he cared. "Are you okay?" He asked, letting me go. I nodded. He looked at the tile floor with a guilty look. "Well...I-I have to tell you something..." Jaxx said quietly. "What?" I questioned. "My dad is forcing me to go on a date with Raven..." He admitted. "Oh..." I really didn't know how to respond. I didn't see it as cheating because he clearly didn't want to go. And it's not like I could do anything. I almost got killed critiquing his parenting. Jaxx began to cry and apologize. I was startled. I didn't know how to comfort people very well. And even if I did it was Jaxx. He never had done anything like this. I looked up where I saw a chunky bandage wrapped around my left leg. I couldn't get up. That's when I got an idea. "Jaxx?" I asked. He lifted his head a little. "What?" He asked weakly over tears. I scooted over. "You want to come up here with me?"   

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