Chapter 10: 'Nightmare to Dream'

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I stared at my homework. How did they expect a minor to do this? Let alone someone like me on such a low witchcraft level. If someone told me to spawn a piece of paper, I couldn't do that without getting it wrong. How was I supposed to spawn a whole creature? Sure it was just an insect, but it was still difficult. The last time I tried to make a living organism, I nearly burned my house down. Jaxx noticed my puzzling paper. As I stared at it in confusion, he stole it off of my desk. I watched him read the instructions. "You're kidding." He said flatly. "No..." I answered. "Didn't anyone teach you about witchcraft?" Jaxx questioned. I pondered on it for a minute. "Not really. My mom tried when I was 7 but she just gave up." I explained. He rolled his eyes. After, he walked away, coming back with a chair. Surprisingly, he helped me with my homework. As much as I paid attention, it wasn't confusing witchcraft that I thought of. It was why he would go out of his way to help me with magic.

My body only lets me blink. I tried to sit up, but it didn't work. I could only lay on my bed and stare at the wall parallel from me. I saw a towering shadow figure walk inside with its spider legs inside. It wasn't seeing it that was the scariest. It was being immobilized. I tried screaming or moving my head at the very least but I couldn't. I shut my eyes tightly. Despite my efforts, they continued to open again and again, luering the thing closer. Until it was on top of me. It let out a blood curdling scream. I desperately tried moving my arms and hands to cover my ears but it didn't work. Tears stung my shocked eyes as I could only lay down. Then, Everything went black.

I woke up in a panic attack. Tears streamed down my face. My chest tightened as my regular breathing turned into hyperventilating. My body trembled and went cold. It felt like I was dying. I turned to Jaxx's side of the room. He was still fast asleep. Now I had a new fear. Waking him up. Then I would most likely die for real. Now, my head tingles. The tingling turned into an intense migraine quickly. I heard a mattress creak. Now Jaxx was going to kill me for waking him up. All I could do was just sit. As if I was still in my nightmare. Who was I kidding? At this point, life was a nightmare. Sleeping was just a shorter, worse version. I heard footsteps coming towards me. FUCK...FUCK...FUCK...

I felt him sit next to me, causing me to panic even more. His warm hand rubbed my back. "Another nightmare?" He asked. I could only cry more when he asked it, reminding me of the hell of sleeping every night. As if Jaxx gently grabbed me and pulled me into a cuddle. His body was surprisingly warm and got rid of my shivering. After, he stroked my hair like he did last time, and even covered me up with a fluffy blanket. "It'll be okay..." He reassured me in a comforting tone. For a minute, the dorm was silent. "What happened to your body?" He questioned. I looked at my arm to see what he was talking about. I saw reddish pink splotches on my arm. Great. While I was in my moment, I had broken into hives. I just shrugged quietly. I knew why they were there, but the last thing I wanted to do was talk anymore about myself. Just then, I heard my alarm clock ring. I looked at the time.


My heart sank. Now I'd have to go to school. Sniffling, I began to get ready to drag myself off of the bed we were on to get ready. But, Jaxx stopped me. "We don't have to go to school today." He said. My head stung from pain. "Are you sure? It's my fault that you have to be here with me-" I began. "It's not your fault. Now put your head down and stop thinking that." He interrupted. I listened to him. Slowly, I began to dreadfully fall asleep to his heartbeat.

I woke up to happy birds chirping. Fluffy clouds settled on the colorful sunset. The air smelled like flowers that surrounded me. As I lifted my head from the ground I saw a swarm of happy butterflies pass by me. For the first time in a long time I felt relaxed and at peace. I fully stood up and began to walk around. As I did, I saw Sakura trees every few minutes. My favorite type of tree. After a while I looked up and saw an open pastel colored door. It called my name. From what it looked like, it led to my dorm. 666AB. I didn't want to, but my body forced me to walk through it.

My eyes slowly opened groggily. As I fully woke up, I realized I was back in my dorm. Back to my unfortunate reality. I sat up. When I did, I saw- Well, it was more of what I didn't see. Jaxx. I looked at the clock.

10:23 AM

Afterwards, I pulled myself out of bed. I didn't feel as bad as I usually did in the morning. Strange. I checked my arms, and legs. At least those splotches were gone. My fortune felt odd. Skeptically, I looked around. I had a dream, I had the dorm to myself, and my body didn't hold its usual morning back pain. Maybe he was in the bathroom. I checked. The door was wide open. He couldn't be there. Jaxx was really gone. I felt weirdly sad without him. Ew. Disgusting. He sent me to the nurse for two days... But he did help me with my homework. And he did surprisingly care about my sleep problems... No. I couldn't like him. Not in the slightest. Even being his friend would be too much. It wasn't worth risking befriending him in any way. He probably just pitied me. Who wouldn't? 

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