Chapter 53: 'One of the gays'

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"What happened to Chance?" I inquired. "I killed him." Jaxx said flatly. "Y-You did what?" I asked in disbelief. "I killed him in your honor." He replied casually. I looked around the generic dorm in denial. "Where is he?" I questioned, searching every place I could think of. "Hell." Jaxx answered. It wasn't that I was upset that Chance was dead. It was how much trouble Jaxx could be in for doing so. "You know you could go to jail right...?" I confirmed. "Rich people can get away with anything. Plus, I already burned him alive so it's not like anyone can find his body and my DNA on it." All I could do was just stand still in disbelief. I knew he was obviously a murderer, possibly a serial killer, but hearing about who and how he killed sent shivers down my spine. "Oh..." I muttered. That was all I could come up with in response. "Anyways." He continued. I contemplated if I should tell him about the news with his dad's new sexuality. Then, I got a sudden hope. What if he let us date...? He said he knew how "Us gays" felt about liking men...Maybe we could- "My dad's gay?" Jaxx asked. I was too busy thinking about Moloch to think that he could easily find out within seconds. "No." I answered. Technically I wasn't lying. He said he was bisexual, not gay. "What did he mean to us gays?" I took a minute to contemplate his question.

But before I could answer, Lucifer was already spawning one of his infamous portals. Without even acknowledging his child, he walked past us, inviting himself to Jaxx's wine stash. "Wow, I didn't think your dorm could look any worse than it was until now Jaxxon." He commented. "Jaxx." His son corrected. "Yeah whatever. You're still the same old disappointment. Anyways-" He took a gulp of wine. "I'm one of you gays now." He continued.

"Y-You're what?" Jaxx inquired. "He has an 80% chance of being bisexual according to a Beezlefeed (Earth translate: Buzzfeed) quiz online." I corrected. "So does that mean Hayden and I can date each other?" Jaxx asked hopefully. I could see a look of hesitation on Satan's face. "You know how us gays feel Lucifer...Can't you work something out...?" I interrogated. "That's King Lucifer to you peasant. Besides, I would have to ask Raven's parents-" He started. "If they don't agree with you can't you just kill them father?" Jaxx suggested. "Hmph. Fine. I'll talk to your principal to get you guys to share a dorm again and talk to Raven's mom and dad. Just don't fuck this up." He agreed. My eyes lit up like Sins-mas (Earth translate: Christmas) lights. "Really?" I asked. "I suppose..." Satan muttered. "Does that mean I don't have to fight other demons?" 'Jaxxon' asked. What does he mean fights...? I pondered. His dad sighed exageratted. "Oh my Hell fine..." He responded, spawning a portal behind him. "Well I must go. I have important things to do. Goodbye queer children." Lucifer continued, walking through his doorway. 

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