Chapter 12: 'Screen of confusion'

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I watched Jaxx stare at his computer monitor puzzled. I looked at what he was so confused by.

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He had to have been kidding. "Do you know what your email is?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm not stupid." Jaxx grunted. "Then why have you been staring at your screen for 10 minutes?" I inquired. He had nothing to say. Out of pity, I grabbed his mouse, and did it for him. The confusion faded from his eyes as he continued working. But a few minutes later, he stopped abruptly.

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Jaxx had the audacity to make fun of me for being horrible at witchcraft when he did not even know how to work a PC monitor. "Do you need help?" I questioned. He looked around at the people around us. Nobody was paying attention. Jaxx nodded.

As I helped him, a girl came up to both of us. It just so happened to be the girl that shoved me in front of the school a few days ago. "Do you not know how to work a computer?" She challenged. Jaxx slouched, looking at the wall. Fine. Guess I would be the one to tell her off. "Do you not know how to work your makeup?" I sneered. "I do." She answered. "Doesn't look like it. I've seen a drunk alcoholic do a better eyeliner job than the one you gave to yourself." It was true. Sometimes when I was little I would have to go to the strip club my mom worked at. Jaxx looked over to us. "I don't see your seat over there." The teacher said flatly. The annoying girl stomped away. "Do you even know her?" I asked. "Yeah. Since I was a baby." He muttered.

The annoying girl's name was Raven. The girl Violet talked about in the nurse's office. There was no way a worker as nice as her was related to... That other brat. She talked about her sister earlier that week as if she weren't such a pain in the ass. It had to be a different Raven. (Author's note: It wasn't.) There was no way- Sure they had the same hair and eye color, and similar voices, but maybe it was a coincidence. It had to be. There just was no way they could end up being such opposites. 

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