Chapter Five: Not in camp

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When the three of us returned Arthur took off towards Dutch's tent while I returned Jack to his momma.

"There you are!" Abigail called to Jack as I pulled him down and handed him the necklace he made. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah! I made you a necklace momma."

Abigail took it in her hands and put her hand on her chest in awe. "Well, ain't I just the luckiest woman." She glanced up at me, "Oh and I see you gave the princess her crown."

"Ms. Roberts..." I started to say.

"Oh, I'm only pullin' your leg. Thank you for taking him out for a bit. Did somethin' happen though?" She glanced at Arthur talking to Dutch.

"Eh... somethin'" Dutch looked over to me and waved you over. "Shoot, guess I better go."

"Thank you again," Abigail said.

I walked up to Dutch and Arthur, "Are you okay, Etta?" He asked as he put a hand on my shoulder, I noticed his eyes quickly glanced at the crown Jack made me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just sad we had to cut Jack's day short." I shrugged.

"But those men, you two are sure they didn't recognize you." He asked firmly.

"They didn't seem to have any idea who I was, Pa." He nodded.

"Dutch, I'm not sure how safe we are here..." Arthur started to state.

"We'll be fine, son," Dutch reassured him. "For now just be careful. Etta no more leaving camp."

I looked up at him annoyed and shocked. "What? I didn't do nothin'," I groaned.

"I'm going to make sure the Pinkertons have no idea who you are, and if that means holdin' you 'prisoner' for a bit then so be it. Do I make myself clear?" The two of us stared each other down before I finally flung my arms up and stomped toward my tent.


I admittedly threw a bit of a tantrum for a bit. I Stayed in my tent and snapped at anyone who tried to enter. At some point, I must have fallen asleep because I opened my eyes to discover how dark it had gotten.

I peeked out of my tent and saw a few people around the fire. I crept past them so no one would see me as I tiptoed over to Suzie. I gave her a snack and petted her for a moment.

"And what do you think you're doing, my dear." I spun around as Hosea lit a cigar.

"Uncle Hosea you scared me." I sighed.

"Guilty people usually get scared the most. Are you sneaking out of camp?"

"What? Little old me? No... no just seeing Suzie." I lied.

"Uh-huh, and where were you gonna go?" He asked as if I had answered him honestly.

I sighed, "I was goin' to go into Valentine and buy a gun. Dutch won't let anyone give me one."

Hosea chuckled, "He just cares." He suddenly tossed me a rifle. "I take it you are goin' huntin' right?" I looked at the rifle in my hands. It was a Winchester.

"Hosea, where did you get a gun like this?" I asked him.

"An old man like me has his ways." He walked up and put a gun belt around my waist that even had a pistol in it. "Use my old gun belt and pistol. I got a new one today because I misplaced my old one." He winked at me before turning away. "Don't get hurt. And try to be back before the sun rises."

I smiled at him as he walked off. I love Uncle Hosea. That's for sure.

I saddled up as quietly as I could before making Suzie slowly leave camp. As I left camp and headed towards Valentine I felt a weight lift off my shoulders slowly. I did feel a bit guilty. Only a bit though. I knew Dutch and Henry would be pissed but I wanted to prove I could help and that I could do more than be the damn camp princess. I had originally planned to hunt but when I passed the bounty board I couldn't help but stop and look.

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