Chapter Twenty-Eight: Turning tides

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Three years ago:

"We need to get her more fruit," Abigail suggested as Sadie held my hair back as I threw up over the side of the railing and into the swampy water.

"She needs protein!" I heard Pearson yell somewhere behind us.

"I've never heard that before..." Henry mumbled.

"I need to know why I'm the only woman in the history of woman having morning sickness eight months in!" I yelled making Sadie chuckle.

"I may not have had a baby before but I know all pregnancies are different." She scoffs.

"I hate this." I muttered before heaving again. I felt Henry rub my back softly.

"I can go to got any cravings?" He said softly to me.

I rolled my eyes. "I do! But I don't want you to go to town for me." Was I crying? I'm crying!

There was an awkward silence while everyone probably looked at each other. "Well... we do need someone to go get supplies... since Sadie got paid for that job she did..." Abigail shrugs.

I looked up at them with teary eyes. "You... you do?"

Everyone tried to hold back smiles. "What do you want?" Henry asked.

"Chocolate and something pickled..." I said embarrassed.

Henry almost laughed but Abigail smacked the back of his head. "You got it..."


I waited all day at the front of camp. Pacing back and forth by the horses. Athena and Suzie both nudging me when I get too close to them. "I don't have snacks right now." I sighed when they both looked at me.

"Etta... please sit down!" Abigail yelled from one of the cabins.

"I'm fin—" I feel something wet between my legs making me stop and look down. "Uh..."

"Etta?" Abigail asked as she moved closer to me.

"I.. peed myself." I said confused.

"What?" She looked at me before something clicked for her. "Oh Goodnees! Sadie! Pearson! Boil water!"

"Hey it's not that bad..." I say embarrassed.

"No you crazy woman! Your water broke!" She takes my hand and began to pull me towards my cabin I'd been sleeping in.

"Wait. I'm not ready," I admit to her.

Abigail laughs, "you got no choice now. That baby is comin'!"


"Where is she!?" Henry asks as he burts into my room, chocolate bars and a pickle jar in hand.

"Henry! Get out! Your sister is showing way too much right now!" Karen yells as she and Tilly pat a wet cloth on my sweaty forehead.

"Oh ew." Henry turns his back to us. "I'll leave these here," he places down the snacks by the door and hurries out side, shutting the door behind him. "I'm right outside when you need me." He yelled through the door.

As all the girls rolled their eyes more pressure and pain hit me again making me let a yell out. Mary-Beth, who had been holding clean cloths for Abigail and Susan, reached out and wiped tears from my cheeks.

"Alright, Etta, I think it's going to be time." Susan nods and sits in front of me.

"I don't want to." I cried.

"You gotta, honey." She sighed and patted my leg. "We're here with you."

"I wanted Arthur to be here for this! Arthur's supposed to be here!" I began to sob only for another contraction hit.

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