Chapter Fifteen: No Promises

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Things were clearly awkward the next day. Arthur was in full protective mode which honestly I didn't have trouble with. When I tried to get up in the morning he wouldn't let me get up for another hour. He would hold me closely saying tiny things that would make me laugh. Finally, I was able to away and begin my day. But, as I walked around camp I started to wish you'd stayed in bed.

Everyone either looked at me with sympathy or, in Micah's case, annoyance. I tried to ignore it as I poured my morning coffee. Bear excitedly hopped around my legs as he waited for me to be able to hug. Eventually, however, he had enough and jumped upon me to give me his own hug. I giggled and patted his head while trying to get him down, "Yes good morning to you as well."

I was able to get entire full two seconds of bliss after my first sip until it was interrupted.

"Etta!" Josiah calls from behind me. "Would you like to help me with a job?"

I looked at him a bit confused, "You do jobs?" I thought I said it in my mind.

Josiah pretends to laugh it off as if it didn't hurt, "oh you little jokester. Of course! However, it was your father who asked me to ask you." I rolled my eyes and took another sip of my coffee. "Apparently a mister Bronte invited some of you to a party. He wants you to help me dress Arthur up."

I can feel myself smile at the image of Arthur dressed in a tux. "Arthur doesn't seem to like dressing up very much."

"Which is why we are asking you to help change his mind."

I think about it for a moment, "Do I have to attend?" I ask.

"No one had said anything..." He says unsure.

"I'll help if you can promise me I don't have to go." I smirk.

Josiah sighs as if giving up. "Fine... You have my word."

I smiled sweetly, "Great! I'll go see if he's up."

I walk up to the front door as Bear ran off to chase Cain. I reached for the handle only to have it swing open making me jump back.

"Oh, my dear I'm sorry I didn't think anyone would be there," Dutch says looking guilty.

"Oh, it's okay..." There's a long awkward silence between the two of us. "I uh... told Uncle Josiah that I'd help Arthur get ready for your party tonight."

"Thank you. Lord knows he probably needs a fairy godmother or something.." I smiled at his comment.

"Well, I better get goin'," I awkwardly step around him.

"Will you go with us tonight?" Dutch asks as I walk away.

I stopped for a moment and look at him, "No, I'm not a fan of the Bronte's... or gettin' into more mess. So I'm sittin' this one out."

I wanted him to realize that I was still serious about lying low. He looked a bit hurt that I didn't want to go around being an outlaw so openly. "Well, if that's what would make you happy."

I nodded before making my escape upstairs and into the bedroom. Arthur jumped a bit when I hurried in and shut the door.

"You never really running around in the morning..." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and figured I'd tease him, "I'm excited because I have been asked to dress you up from Bronte's party."

Arthur was not sharing my forced excitement. "Wait I gotta go?"

"Mr. Morgan you are the muscle of this gang, and my father loves you more than me.  So, of course, you have to go."

Arthur wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to his chest. "Now, you know that ain't true. Dutch loves you." He kissed my temple softly.

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