Chapter Eighteen: Beatrice

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2 1/2 years later

I slept on my cot soundly when I felt the tiny person next to me start to squirm. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around my daughter as she begins to wake up.

"Good morning, my love." I say to her softly.

I named her Beatrice after Arthur's mother, but she was mainly referred to as Bea. I found out I was pregnant about a month after Arthur, my father and some of the other men went missing. That was almost three years ago. I didn't ever think I'd be a mother. But with Abigail's help, and Henry's, I have been able to get through it.

Around that time as well Henry and Sadie were able to break John out and he was back helping where he could, along with Charles. Sadie took over the role of a leader and she thrived. She, John and Charles would do the hunting. She would also do what she could to find out if the men were even alive still.

I wanted to do more but my pregnancy was not good. I was sick most of the time. Abigail and Miss Grimshaw said it was probably also from the stress of Arthur going missing and Hosea passing.

It had been two years and I was still in shock about Hosea. He always seemed like the glue that held it all together. And now that he was gone I didn't know how together everyone would be when the boys were able to get back. If ever.

Sadie had helped us set up camp in a small run-down place called Lakay. It was a dump at first but slowly I'd been able to make it into a steady camp with everyone's help.

Henry had become extremely sick. In fact, he almost died shortly after saving John. I was able to get him to rest and eventually he recovered. Lord knows how. But he still did have a real nasty cough that never seemed to go away. He said he was fine but even a few years later I can tell he never really recovered.

Bear was still a good boy. He mostly would sleep if he wasn't following Bea around as she learned to walk.

Bea was an amazing little girl. She had her father's eyes and my dark hair. As she learned to walk and would chase around Jack, her porcelain skin developed tiny freckles. She only said a handful of words, if that. Mainly the words consisted of, 'momma,' 'bear,' and Miss Grimshaw's favorite, 'Grimmy.' I noticed, however, she's been trying to say Henry's name.

Bea loved when I would play my violin for her and Jack or when I'd let her pluck the strings while I read next to her. I wished every night that Arthur could meet her.

Bea let out a soft giggle pulling me from my thoughts. I smiled at her as she played with the ringlets of my hair. "Should we go see if Pearson is making breakfast?" My little girl giggled in response.

I sat up in bed and stretched before slipping my shoes on. I looked at Arthur's hat on the old bedside table. I never wore it. It made me feel sad. Bea, however, loved wearing it.

I did wear Arthur's blue shirt constantly. At first, it was because it smelt like him. But over time it began to lose the smell. Once I was ready I picked up Bea and began to head outside with Bear following behind.

"Etta!" Pearson called to me. "And little miss Bea is up as well I see." He turns around before handing me a small bowl. "You were saying you want her to start getting used to solids more since she's been having trouble right?" I nodded looking at the bowl. "I made some porridge and mixed some fruit in so she can work on the chewing without hurting her teeth."

"Thank you so much, Pearson!" I smile at him before looking at Bea. "Did you hear that? He made special food for you. Should we go look at the water and eat it?"

By the time I sat on the old rickety rocking chair Bea was already mostly covered in the food as she ate. I rocked slowly humming to her as she ate her breakfast with her little dimpled hands. As I lean back into the chair I close my eyes and accidentally doze off.

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