Chapter Twenty: It's been a day

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"You are mighty brave, Micah Bell. I could shoot you right now," I clicked back the hammer and glared at him.

"Aw well, you can't do that."

"And why not?"

A gun clicked behind me, "Because he isn't alone, Miss Van Der Linde." Agent Milton added. "Get off the horse."

"We are in the middle of the city, you want to do this now?" I ask as I put my pistol away and hop off of Suzie.

"We need to have a chat."

"I already said I won't work for you-"

"That's not what this meeting is about." Milton cut me off. "You haven't been a very well behaved lady since your husband's return."

"He came back yesterday. How have I fucked up so badly?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well one, you told Dutch." Micah grinned. "But luckily your father is a complete idiot and trusts me unlike you."

"You had two years on a godforsaken island to get in his head." I mumble.

"And two, you are planning on leaving the gang," Micah added over me.

Shit. He knew? Does that mean your father will know? "How the hell did you-"

"Oh, it's obvious. You visiting your rich friends here in town. Morgan being hush hush and talking alone to Jonny Boy. You all want to leave. But I can't let ya do that."

"Why not?"

"Who knows what might happen to that little girl of yours..." Agent Milton hints making me reach for my pistol and aim it at him. Micah pulled out one of his and aimed it at me making me stop.

"You don't get to threaten her." I growl. "I guarantee you'll end up in the ground." I put away my pistol and climb back onto Suzie.

"We aren't done here, Miss Van-"

"It's Mrs. Morgan, agent Milton. And we are done." I glared at Micah, "This is your one chance to disappear forever. If I see you take a damn step towards my family, I'll shoot you where you stand."

"Why? Dutch trusts me more than he trusts you."

I roll my eyes as I turn Suzie to leave, "Yeah, I only held this damn family together while ya'll were gone."


I rode into the new camp and hitched Suzie near Athena. I hadn't meant to get to camp so fast, I wanted to get some distance from everything for a while but next thing I knew I was in camp.

"Momma!" Bea's voice ripped me from my thoughts as she waddled up to me and grabbed onto ny leg. "Hi." She mumbled.

"Hi baby," I lifted her up and hugged her close to me. "Momma got lost." I lied.

"Lost?" Arthur asked walking up.

I smiled as he kissed me cheek, "Yeah... I guess I spaced out and next thing I knew I was lost." I could tell Arthur knew I were bullshitting but he wasn't going to ask now.

"Well let's get you some stew." He says as the three of us walk up to Pearson.

As Arthur grabs two bowls I hear my father yelling. When I glance over I see it's him yelling at Susan.

"What's goin' on?" I asked my husband.

"Someone smashed the donation box."

"What the hell?" I watched as Dutch gets angrier and gets in Susan's face calling her mean names. "He's become such a nasty man."

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