Arthur and I stayed silent for a while. Mainly because I had just gotten Bea to sleep and none of is wanted to wake her again. I sighed and took Arthur's hand. "I thought you died..." I admit to him and myself.
"You know I'm hard to kill." He said, trying to lighten the mood.
"And I don't want you to blame yourself for missing Bea... She was a surprise to us all." I smiled at him, "I'm actually relieved you weren't here. I was sick all the time and emotional." I look at my shoes embarrassed. "I was sure the camp wanted me gone for a bit. After she was born I realized I may have been a bit of a bitch."
We both chuckled. "Well you were makin' one good lookin' baby girl, so I think they forgave you."
"I did, didn't I." I brushed some hair from her face. "She has your beautiful eyes."
"I don't know about my eyes bein' beautiful."
I give him a look and he smiles, "Arthur Morgan, do you realize how good looking you are?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. The first time I saw you I'm pretty sure I got feelings for you right away."
Arthur's face started turning red. "Oh... come on now Etta don't play with me."
"I ain't playing with ya. Have I ever lied to you?"
He pretended to think about it for a moment. "Well... I ain't too sure." I smacked his arm as he chuckled and pulled me into a kiss. "You know you're beautiful right? You're the most beautiful being I've ever seen."
I began to tell him he was now messing with me when we both heard noises.
"Mr. Van Der Linde, I'll give you the count of three before we begin firing." I pick up Bea as Arthur peaks out the curtain.
"They are facin' the house where everyone is. I don't think they know we are in here." He whispers to me.
"My guns, they are by the door." I pointed to them as a Gatling gun begins firing. I drop to the ground with Bea even though the shooting isn't coming for us.
A moment later the hatch under the house opens and Sadie hops in. "You two okay?"
"They don't know we're in here." I say hugging Bea to me tightly. I glance under my bed and see Bear shaking. "I want to help.."
"No. Stay with Bea. Sadie and I got this." Arthur says before kicking the door open and instantly taking out six men.
I crawled under the bed while Bea began to cry. "Shhh..." I tried to calm her. "It's okay baby. It's going to be okay."
The firing on the Gatling gun stopped but I could still hear shooting nearby. I crawled out still keeping low to the ground. Bea tried to crawl out too but I pushed her back under. "No, no baby. I'm just grabbing my gun just in case. Stay with Bear." Bea gave me sad eyes that almost broke my heart but she listened and crawled back under.
When I was sure she was far enough under I ran to my pistol, almost tripping over Bea's doll. I yanked the gun out of the holster that was hanging off of an old dresser and checked to make sure there were bullets. I peeked out the window to see an agent stalking towards the house. I gasped and hurried to a dark corner where he wouldn't see me right away.
"Beatrice Morgan you stay under that bed, you hear me?" I whisper to her.
I watched her put her hands over her eyes and hide her face into Bear's fur just as the man opened the door. He walked in with his gun ready as he searched around.
"If anyone's hiding in here, you are under arrest." He gruffed.
I held my breath hoping he wouldn't see you or Bea and just leave but as I watched him glance and head towards the bed I knew it wasn't happening.

FanfictionEtta and her twin brother were practically raised in a boarding school. Now as adults, their life is about to be thrown in with their father, Dutch Van der Linde, and his gang. But it's going to be hard for Etta to get to know her father when Arthur...