Chapter Eight: Aftermath

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The faces of horror I saw when I rode into camp on Arthur's horse is something I won't forget for a long time.

The one that broke me the most was Hosea's. He had just wanted to do something nice for me. Let me be on my own. 

And it backfired horribly.

Of course, people had questions all they saw was an angry Arthur, and me looking beat up to all heck. However, Arthur didn't seem to have  the intention of letting anyone talk to me. He hopped off his horse and lifted me off.

"My God, what happened?" Hosea asked calling attention to the few who hadn't seen me an Arthur ride in.

"We ain't gonna talk about it right now." Arthur simply put. He carried me to his tent since it was a bit more spacious than my own.  He laid me on the cot and turned around to shut the flaps to give me privacy. 

He turned around and helped me out of my boots. He looked around his tent until he spotted what he was looking for. He held up his blue shirt only then bringing it to my attention he was wearing a white button-up a hadn't seen before. "Here," He handed it to me.  "Put this on. I'll go grab you some water and somethin' t' clean you up with." 

He started to leave but then hesitated. "People are goin' to ask...  Is there anyone I should tell only?" He looked at me with such sad eyes. It made me feel weaker than I actually felt. 

"Maybe just, Hosea, Henry and Dutch..." I mumbled softly. "Also... can you get Abigail for me?"

Arthur smiled sadly, "Of course sweetheart, I'll be back." 

After he left I didn't change right away. I felt wrong. Like I wasn't in my own body, and I didn't know how to work this one. I  let out a long sigh and slipped off Arthur's coat and slipped on his blue shirt. Since Arthur is so much bigger than me I didn't even have to  unbutton. I sat on the cot and hug my legs tightly to me even though it's still sore.

"Etta?" I heard Abigail outside. 

"Come in," I mumbled.

When Abigail enters the tent I see the other girls outside waiting. And behind them I see John, Charles, and Javier looking worried as well. Abigail sits on the other end of the bed and quietly waits for me to speak when I want to. She seems so sad but she doesn't push me. I can feel tears rolling down my cheek, I quickly try to wipe them on my skirt but she notices.

"Oh, my sweet girl, what happened to you out there." She asks softly looking on the brink of tears herself.

"I was attacked..." I mumbled, not wanting to really say.

She sighs and scoots a bit closer to me. "Is that all they did to  you, honey?" I shook my head quickly starting to cry again. "Oh, no honey." She pulls me close and softly rocks me back and forth. 

"I'm in so much pain..." I finally admit. "I need help cleaning down there..." I said embarrassed.

"Let me help you. I'll just ask someone to make sure we aren't disturbed." She peaks out of the tent and mumbles to someone. When she pulls herself back in shes holding a bowl with a rag hanging out.  "Alright, John is out there makin' sure no one comes in until I say." 

She puts the bowl down and begins to help you stand. "Alright... I'm going to lift your skirt okay?" She asks making sure.

"I'll be okay." I said not believing myself.

She starts to lift my skirt and I jerk away from her breathing heavier. She stops right away and lifts her hands up showing she means no harm. "We can take as much time as ya need, Etta."

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