Chapter Thirty-two: Anew

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I jolted awake and sat up quickly only to have my head spin and almost make me pass out. I looked around slowly not really understanding where I was. Everything was white...

"Am I in a hospital?" I asked myself out loud.

"You are," a nurse smiled as she rushed into the room. She walked up to my bed side and started checking a bandage that was wrapped around my head. "You and your husband are very lucky."

"We are?" I ask slowly. I wasn't sure if the nurse knew exactly where I had actually gotten hurt.

"Well... not many survive on heir wagon falling down the side of a mountain. You're lucky you weren't traveling alone and your friends were able to get you here so quickly." She moved my eyelids and opened them a bit wide so she could look in them. "How's your memory? Do you know your name?"

I side eye her a bit suspiciously, "...Etta Morgan?" The lady slyly checks a chart hanging on my bed.


"Where's my husband?" I ask her.

She doesn't say anything at first. She just writes on the chart before looking at me, "his injuries were a bit more intense so he's just in another part of the hospital. He's doin' fine though." She smiled and put my chart down. "If it wasn't for your friends saying he held on to you so he'd get most of the injuries I would have thought someone beat him up." The nurse chuckled.

"Heh... yeah," I say awkwardly.

"Well, i think you have some visitors, I'll go get them." She smiled at me once more before leaving the room. I leaned over a bit to try to look out the window. It seems like I was in Saint Denise but I wasn't too sure. I slowly propped myself up better and placed my pillow behind me. Definitely not like the beds in Luca's house but it was still always nice to not sleep in a cot.

As I finished adjusting myself there was a soft knock on the door before it opened a bit. Luca smiled widely as he saw me sitting up.

"Thank goodness." He walked in with flowers in hand and placed them on the table next to the bed. "You had me and my wife up for worried for hours. When your friend Charles showed up at our front door with you and Arthur hidden in a cart I swear we both lost ten years off our lives." He pointed at the flowers, "those are for Arthur once he's up,"

I tried to laugh but it hurt. "Im shocked Charles knew where to find you."

"Not like our house is that hidden. And I had already run into a few more of your friends. They are at the house with my family until you two are able to come home."

"Bea...?" I asked hopefully.

"When I left she was sound asleep with Jack." I let out a sigh as he patted my shoulder. "I was just checking on Arthur. He's not woken up yet but the doctors are hopeful."

"Thank you... and if you paid for anything we'll pay you back-"

"No. I don't want to hear it. You guys just escaped hell.... You did escape... right?"

I nodded trying not to tear up, "we got out," I looked down at my hands as they twisted the blanket anxiously, "most of us..."

"I'd hug you if I knew it wouldn't hurt you.... I'm sorry about Henry,"

Before I could respond there was another knock on the door. We both looked at the doorway as Abigail waved. "Where's John?" I asked her.

"Gettin' his shoulder stitched up, it might be infected."

I sighed, "I told him it needed to be taken care of,"

Abigail laughed. "You know men are stupid. We decided we are gonna disappear for a bit... once everyone is all cleaned up."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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