Chapter Twenty-Nine: One Last Train

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It was a foggy morning as I rode through Lemoyne. I had been extra paranoid with the money Arthur and I had been making. I didn't trust people at camp but I also didn't trust the bank all that much, only because I'm in a gang of people that rob them. So, I mail a little bit here and there to Luca to keep safe until we can break out.

I do it in Lemoyne because Dutch won't go near here, or send anyone to follow me here, not after that mess a few years ago. I also like to ride. It's relaxing. And Arthur kept Bea today so it's also quiet.

I let out a long sigh as I hopped off Athena and hitched her to a post, "I'll be right back," I mumbled to her.

As I turned to walk in the postman smiled. "Another letter?" He asked.

"Hopefully not much more after," I handed him the letter. "Thank you for always sending it out, I know you aren't supposed to be sending large amounts in the mail."

He waved me off and smiled, "Women do this all the time before they leave their domestic abuse situation." I stopped and thought about his sentence. Is that what this looks like? Thank god I haven't come in with any bruises.

My hand snapped to my neck as I realized I still had a fading bruise. "Oh..."

"Do you need me to make an anonymous tip, Ma'am?" He whispered.

I cleared my throat and tipped my hat down to hide my face a bit. "I...I ain't running from an abusive partner... It's my uh... abusive family."

"Oh, well, at least you are getting out. I know Families are tougher to break out of."

"You have no idea," I smiled.

"Same address as usual?" he asked.



I walked out of the train station rather fast. I felt like people were staring now. Maybe they were.

As I mounted Athena I looked in the direction of that abandoned church. What in the world did Dutch and Micah want Henry to do? What had been so important? As I rode that way I slowed down and stopped in front of the ruins.

Nothing looked different. I hopped off the horse and walked up to the ruins. As I did a gross smell hit me making me gag. I turned around and covered my mouth to keep me from vomiting. I took deep breaths as I waited for myself to get used to the smell before I turned to look again. Something was definitely rotting.

I peeked into the ruins and saw flies hovering over something curled into a ball. I took a step closer and immediately got sick to my stomach again. I turned around and finally threw up my breakfast.

It was the body of a really badly decomposed dog. I couldn't tell what kind of dog or anything. Someone must have left it here to die. It was definitely dead longer than Henry coming out... so hopefully wasn't him.

Once I was sure my stomach was empty I walked back to Athena a climbed on. That was probably one of the more disgusting things I'd seen for the day. I rode through Lagras still feeling nauseous. As I passed a particular spot I recognized two familiar grave markers. I slowed down and looked at Athena.

"I guess I haven't said hi in a while, huh?" I asked the horse. Athena huffed in response. "I'll take it as a yes. Can't really ride home when I feel horrible anyway."

I slid off Athen and walked to the markers. "Hi, Uncle Hosea... hi Lenny."

I touched Hosea's marker softly as I rubbed some dirt off. Some birds talked to each other nearby as I quietly sat.

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