Chapter Twenty One: Charlotte

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When I finally got to the waterfall, Bea was awake and had moved from my back to sitting in front of me on Suzie. She glanced around and pointed out every animal she could see and would make me say the name out loud so she can repeat in a form of English I couldn't understand.

I stopped at the falls and got off of Suzie with Bea in my arms. "Okay, we do not play in this water. It's too strong for little girls."

Bea pouts and goes to look at flowers instead while I brush Suzie and feed her a treat. It was a beautifully sunny day. A few clouds but not too many. The mist from the fall was relaxing while I watched Bea chase butterflies.

"Momma," Bea called to me later in the day. I glance up from the flowers she had handed me and see her pointing at something.

Confused, I get up and walk over to her, "What is it, baby?" I follow her finger and see a woman on her knees crying over a grave. "Oh..."

The woman has dark hair messily put up. Her clothes and face are covered in dirt and she looks as if she hasn't eaten in a while. She looks so sad that I can't help but approach her. Bea follows but holds onto my pants leg as I walk forwards slowly.

"Miss?" She jumps and moves away from me. "I'm sorry." I put my hands up to show I mean no harm. "I just wanted to see if you were okay. My little girl was worried." I kind of motion to Bea who's peeking at the sad lady.

"I'm sorry. I... Are you going to rob me?" She asks. "I may look weak but I can defend myself."

"I'm sure you can miss, I'm Etta Morgan. This is my daughter Beatrice."

"I'm...  Charlotte Balfour..."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Balfour. Do you need help?"

"No... my husband died last week and left me alone in the wild is all." I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"Have you eaten?"

Charlotte sighs, "No..."

I glance at Bea who is looking at the woman still. "Let me teach you how to hunt at least." Charlotte looks at me, shocked. "I won't rob ya. I just want to set a good example."

Before she can respond I whistle for Suzie who trots up happily. I pull out MY pistol and put a few bullets in. "Okay. Let's go find some meat."

I creep forward until I spot a rabbit. I glance at Bea and motion for her to cover her ears. As soon as she does I aim at the rabbit and fire. Charlotte squeaks as I walk up and pick up the rabbit.

"See? Now you gotta skin it."

Charlotte looks at ME dumbfounded as I pass her the rabbit. "What? How?"

"Just hold the legs and pull the tail. Fast and Hard."

Charlotte gives me a weary look but does as I say and after a second the skin rips away leaving her with a huge smile.

"Great job!" I cheer as Bea jumps around. "That should keep ya fed for a while."

"I can't believe I actually did it!" She jumped a bit. "Thank you so much, Miss Morgan."

"There you two are." Arthur's voice surprises me when he speaks up behind me.

"Daddy!" Bea yells and runs for him. A huge grin grows as he sweeps her up and kisses her cheeks.

"Oh, Mrs . Morgan I guess I meant."

"Charlotte this is my husband Arthur, Arthur this is Charlotte Balfour."

"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am."

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine. Mrs. Morgan just helped me catch my first meal in a week. Won't you let me make you some food?"

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