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I almost forget to speak, I'm a mixture of nerves and excitement but finally I actually do find some words. "Chris? Sorry I just wasn't expecting a call so soon".

"Sorry, I couldn't wait - damn, sorry I should've remembered you're in rehearsals..." he starts cursing himself but I stop him.

"Lucky for you that I've finished for the day. I'm free to talk..." I say, feeling more at ease.

"You sure?"

"If I wasn't then I'd have told you I'm in rehearsals". I laugh. He lets out a chuckle that honestly makes me sink further into the pillows. "I'm glad you called".

"Me too, I wasn't sure that you'd answer - but I guess I just wanted to hear you instead of through a tik tok or over text"

I lay back and stare at the ceiling. "You not filming anything at the moment?"

"Nah, got some time off, to be honest I'm slowly taking a step back. It's been nice". He tells me. "I get to work on other projects, spend more time with my Mom and family. Just be me".

I can imagine him just loving the quiet life. He's always seemed very private and family oriented anyway. "Do you miss it at all though? Like when you're not working?"

"I'm not sure how to feel about it, I've got a couple of things coming up but I'm just more particular about what I choose now".

"That's fair though, you've been doing it for years".

He changes the subject. "Anyway enough about me, I wanna learn more about you, Wilde".

"Well, you know I'm a dancer, my legs go on for miles in your opinion, and I guess I could say I'm very flexible".

His laugh echoes down the line again. "You trying to kill me before I've even met you?"

"I thought I'd just lay things out on the table. I'm confident - sometimes a little too much if that tik tok was anything to go by, but I guess I just like to have fun".

"Well I like that you're honest about it, anyone can tell that you love what you do".

I nod. "I have to prove to my family that it would get me somewhere - and it has".

"They don't support it?"

I sigh. "It's not that they don't. It was the fact that they were more concerned that I'd moved here for nothing. That I'd end up going back anyway. I'm the youngest, my other siblings are older and all have somewhat normal jobs with a good income. Then there was me, the 'mistake' who just wanted to dance and take a risk of making it a career".

"Do they support it now though?" He does sound genuinely concerned for me. It makes my heart skip a little.

"Oh they do now that I currently make a shit load more than anyone else in the family. It was touch and go for a while". I laugh it off. "I got lucky".

He disagrees. "Nope, you got there by proving you have talent. You worked for it. No luck needed".

"Maaaaaybe just a little". I joke, "but anyway I'm here, waiting for room service and talking to you - which is a little mystifying in itself".

"Just a regular guy". He reminds me.

I beg to differ. "Who also happens to be recognised everywhere he goes. You have many people come up to you back home? Or do they kinda let you be?"

"Depends, but most of the time no one bothers me". He tells me. "I can walk Dodge on the trails in peace, it's fall soon so I usually make sure I keep myself here for that".

"I love autumn - pumpkin spice lattes, scarves...aaaand in kinda getting ahead of myself".

"What's it like in the UK?" He asks. "Fall that is".

"I haven't been home in a few years to be honest. But it all comes down to the weather".

He laughs a little at this. "Rain?"

"Sometimes. But I like putting autumnal accessories around the house, like bedding, throws, and stuff. Just to feel cosy".

"Where you currently living since you've been here?"

I smirk to myself. "Why? Am I gonna find you on my doorstep when the tour takes a break".

"Yeah, that sounded pretty creepy didnt it?" He agrees in good humour.

"Oh I wouldn't be complaining. It'd be nice to finally meet you in person. I only ever see you through a screen".

He pauses for a moment and I have to check to see whether I lost him or something. "When does the tour break?"

"Around August? Why?"

"I wondered whether you wanted to come to Boston? I mean, you don't have to. It's just it's be a bit more private if we wanted to meet..." he trails off thinking that maybe I don't want to - or that he's having second thoughts of asking. "If you don't have anything planned for your time off that is..."

I feel my tummy go funny and nod quickly even if he can't see me. "Yeah, I'd love to, I mean - if you do wanna meet me that is..."

"Well if I told you I was already counting the days would that convince you enough?" He asks

"You convinced me enough when you asked. Just tell me when works for you and I'll put it in the diary of nothing that I have going on for that month".

I can hear him rummaging around for something before he comes back to me with a date. "That good for you?"

"That's perfect". I beam and quickly put the date in my calender.

August can't come quick enough.

We talk a little more until room service comes. Conversation comes easily, and it feels like I've known him for longer than I already have. It's strange to actually say that I know him in general.

"I'll let you go eat". He says eventually.

I won't tell him that I've let my food go cold because I wanted to talk to him instead.

"Ok, I'll text you later?"

"I'll be waiting for it". He tells me and we both say goodbye, ringing off.

Once I out the phone down, I kick my feet with excitement, feeling it bubbling up within me. Now I just need these next couple of months to fly by so I can finally meet him.

My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up, the huge smile I have never leaving my face as I read the message that has just come through.

Chris: Sorry, couldn't wait for later - missing your voice already Wilde one x

Wilde One (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now