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I feel bad for having to keep taking my ring off for every show, but I don't want to let on just yet that Chris and I are engaged, especially as we'll get slated for it being 'too early'. Of course Taylor and the others are excited as hell for us. His family are too.

Have I told mine?

Well, I'm about to via Zoom - not the best kind of way to announce it I know, but I'm gonna have to tell them before they find out from the press or something.

I sit nervously in my hotel room, waiting for the connection on my phone to go through before it tells me the host has joined and my mum and dad now come up onto the screen. "Hi" I say brightly as they wave back.

"Harper, where are you?" They ask as they try to decipher what country I'm in.

"Brazil". I say and fan myself. "The weather's insane - what's it like over there?" I ask of the uk.

"Cold". Comes the obvious answer. "Have you even been eating? You look very slim".

I nod. "I eat, but when I'm dancing for like four nights in a row? Keeps me fit".

Mum nods. "And how is the tour? I hope you're getting enough sleep".

"I am". I say.

There's an awkward pause. I haven't seen or spoken to them in a while, and with living so far from them. Sometimes it's hard to actually make conversation. "And how's that boyfriend of yours?" Dad asks. "Actor isn't he?"

I smile at this. "He is, I told you in the last call? He was in the Marvel movies that Dylan watches". Reminding them.

"And how are things with him?"

"Actually that's why I wanted to call you". I admit and then hold up my hand to show them the ring. "He proposed to me".

"What? When!" Mum looks shocked at this.

"A couple of weeks ago". I now feel bad for keeping it from them for this long. But if I know them, then I know their reaction.

They both look at one another. "Are you sure you're ready for something like this?" Dad asks with some concern, "you've only known him for a short time and he's older than you isn't he?"

"A lot older". Mum makes the point.

I nod. "He is, but I guess when you know, you know right?" My laugh is nervous and I sigh. "Could you at least say congratulations?" I ask half heartedly.

"Sorry Harp, of course you have our congratulations, but your dad and I are just concerned that you're making a mistake that's all. Taking things too fast".

"You said the same about me moving to America, choosing to go into dance. That all worked out didnt it?" I ask.

They nod in agreement. "Of course it has, and we're proud of you - but a marriage? It's a commitment and if it goes wrong then it's gonna be an expensive one".

"Then let me worry about that - honestly, you guys will love Chris. You all will, and he's very family orientated. He's not like other guys I've dated before".

Of course the concern is there, but they accept the situation and my decision. I am a consenting adult after all. It's not like I'm still a teenager even if they sometimes still treat me like one.

"It is a lovely ring". Mum tries to justify as I show them again. "It must have cost him a lot".

"The man's a celebrity, they don't think about the cost of stuff". Dad tells her. "And I guess Harper is kind of one now that she's dating...wait, was he the Iron guy in those films?"

I groan. "No dad, Captain America".

"Oh! The blonde one, yeah - muscles". Dad now nods to mum as he remembers. No doubt Dylan's made them watch the films when he stays over some weekends.

"Anyway it's the last show tonight before we can take a break for Christmas. Then we're back at it in February". I tell them. "Can you make the London date I sent over by the way?"

"It's on the calendar love, although I don't think your brothers and sisters can make it".

Of course they can't. I'm used to that by now - once again. It's like we live separate lives.

"Oh..." I say, a little crestfallen anyway. "I was hoping they'd at least make an effort seeing as they can get time off for stuff like going to Dubai and organising that family holiday to Spain".

Yeah - the one I couldn't join because it was during the tour. I didn't tell Chris about that. I feel bad enough I couldn't join him and his family at Disney this year for Thanksgiving.

"I know, but your sisters have the salon and your brothers' jobs only allow so much time to take".

I wonder if she makes excuses like that for me?

I just brush it off. "It's fine..."

"Come on Harper, don't be upset". Mum smiles weakly.

"I'm not". I lie. "At least I got you guys there". I check my watch. "Anyway, I have to go - I need to get my stuff packed and go to the stadium. I'll call you Christmas Day or something?"

They nod. "Lovely, I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you, we all miss you Harper".

"Yeah same, anyway talk soon". I tell them and ring off, then FaceTiming Chris. As soon as his face appears, my own lights up - but he sees the upset I'm hiding.

"You ok Harps?"

I tell him everything, trying not to get upset about it. I have to remember that tomorrow I'll be on a plane back to Boston, and back to him.

"Well, if it's any consolation, me and my family miss you a hell of a lot - but obviously I'm the one who misses you the most, although Scott will say he does".

I half laugh and half cry.

"One more night, that's all you gotta get through, then I've got you until February". He smiles.

I can't wait.

"I love you". I tell him as I really do need to get ready.

"Love you Wilde. Can't wait to get you all to myself again".

"Animal". I smirk and we ring off.

Showtime, however with all the emotions of earlier and getting caught up in the rest of the day, I forget to do one vital thing before I head out on stage hours later.

Take off my engagement ring...

Wilde One (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now