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"So, they just gave me the date for the Oscars to put in the diary..." Chris says to me one cold December morning. It's almost Christmas and the house is decked out to the nines with festive attire. He's hosting this year, normally Lisa does but as I'll be on a call to my parents and siblings in the evening, he decided to make things easier and said he'd have everyone here. There's more than enough room.

"Oh yeah?" I ask, stirring my coffee that I've just made, then turn and lean back against the kitchen counter. "When is it?"

"March...the tenth - will you be my date?" He smirks.

I suck my teeth and try to go through dates in my head. I know we're off in March as Paul's baby is due, but I'm trying to remember when. I get out my phone and look at my calendar. "You're a very, very lucky man that the tour is on a break from the fifth". I smirk, "Actually you can thank Paul's baby for it, whether he or she decides to make an appearance on time".

"Works for me". He shrugs. "Will you come with me?"

"What do I wear?" I ask. I've never been to anything like it, there's gonna be A-listers there and I'll be like a fish out of water.

"Leave it to Iliana, I'll ask her to find something for you". He mentions his stylist.

I wave it off. "I wouldn't wanna put her out..." Then again, I can't rock up to the Oscars in something from Target. At least, I don't think I could - shit this is gonna stress me out more than wedding planning currently is. We've booked the date for next summer, once I'm breaking from the tour again.

The invites have been sent so I'm hoping my family can get out here. I know Mum and Dad can for sure.

"It's fine babe, she'll be cool with it". He says, taking his newly made coffee and then checking through some messages. "Right, I'm gonna quickly take Dodge out - you gonna be ok here?"

I nod. "Did you see the Tik Tok I made of him earlier?" I smirk. It was to an audio about 'checking in' from Schitt's Creek and just like his dog dad, he knows how to act.

He smirks. "He's getting a following on there now too".

"Are you not surprised? He's the real star of the show". I grin as Dodger pads in, waiting for Chris to get his lead.

"Alright, I'm coming". He sighs and takes one last sip of the coffee, then giving me a kiss. "When I get back are you gonna be waiting for me with no clothes on?" He asks huskily in my ear - and boy does it make me shiver with excitement.

"Will all your Christmases come at once if I am?"

"That's what I'm aiming for". He smirks and gives me another kiss. "Back soon".

I know for a fact he's gonna be going on the shortest walk with Dodger ever.


Christmas comes and goes. My call to my parents didn't last long as there were glitches throughout. I spoke briefly to them and my siblings, but I'm now about to quickly catch up with them on there again which I'm excited about.

"Hi!" I wave happily as they along with my siblings join the call.

"Dad, you're on mute". Tom says as I see my father silently say "bollocks" and then manage to unmute him and mum. "That's better - so, we're all actually here again. Rare".

I nod. "I know right. Connection was shit at Christmas".

We talk about what they've been up to and then I move onto the question. "So, you gonna all come see me when I'm in London? I gave mum the date and put aside tickets for you".

Stephanie grimaces. "Ah...well, Dan and I can't make the date Harps - sorry hun, we'd already booked Morocco".

I shrug it off, "it's ok - anyone else?"

Everyone, even mum and dad look uncomfortable. "Well...that's the thing - we're kinda all in Morocco then, but Mum and Dad will be there though". Melissa, my eldest sister says brightly, trying to smooth over the blow that they've just dealt me.

"Oh...no, it's ok..." I try and smile through it. "I mean, at least you've got enough time to book my wedding off".

Melissa looks concerned now. "Harper...don't take this the wrong way, please, because we care really, but isn't this all a bit too fast?"

I blink. "Wait, what?"

"Mel..." dad warns.

"I'm just speaking for everyone dad - we all talked about it at Christmas". She says and carries on, pretending to play the caring sister. "Harper - we don't think that Chris is good for you. Certainly not for your lifestyle - all we see is you out drinking with Taylor Swift and her friends, and then there's the things we've heard about Chris...like how he's actually got a long term girlfriend and you're..."

I glare at her. "What the actual fuck? You honestly believe that shit?"

"For fuck sake Harper, ever since you started hanging around with these people, you've turned into something else. You don't bother coming home to ever see your family, you'd rather hang out with your boyfriend who may be your teenage crush, but he's fucking older than you, and quite possibly is using you. It's like you don't care about anyone but yourself anymore. You showed that when you bloody FaceTimed mum and dad two weeks after your proposal and dropped that bombshell on them - now you're hurrying down the aisle".

I sit there just stunned into silence. They have the nerve to call me selfish? When they don't even show the slightest support for me.

"I'm not hurrying anywhere - and is that what you really think? That all I care about is myself? I work fucking hard to be where I am, I always send you guys stuff home, I'm the one organising the FaceTime's but you lot? You can't even come support me at one show. I put aside tickets for you, I'd planned for us to maybe have lunch the next day so we could actually catch up before the second show - and yet I'm the selfish one?" By now I'm aware that I'm shouting and Chris is at the door.

"You ok?" He mouths.

I nod and signal for him to not listen.

Tom shakes his head. "Harper, look - I know Mel could've said that in a better way..."

"Oh fuck off Tom, you were nodding along with her as she was telling me what you think of me. You really think Chris isn't good enough?"

"Not from what we've heard and read. I'm sure he's a nice guy but..." Tom begins.

Dad cuts him off. "Come on, it's not fair to Harper to do this".

"It's ok dad - I'm just a selfish bitch apparently. Look I'm gonna go, don't expect a wedding invite or anything - after all, you guys wouldn't come anyway. You never have supported me with anything".

"Harper, look call me later please?" Mum asks, knowing I probably won't".

I nod. "Whatever - I've got to go, things to do - PR relationship to maintain". The bitterness in my words sting and I angrily end the call. 

Then I sit there for a moment, trying to think of what I ever did wrong for my brothers and sisters to think of me in the way they do.

"Harps?" Chris is in the doorway again and then comes over to me as I begin to cry. "Hey...it's ok, I got you". He soothes and kisses my hair. "What did they say?"

I shake my head. "I'll tell you later". I say and wipe my eyes. "It's ok, I just...well, in a nutshell I think only my parents will be at the wedding".

Chris lets out a tired sigh but doesn't question it. He knows to give me space and then I'll tell him. Unfortunately Melissa's words hit me hard and it's not long before I'm beginning to question whether this is the right thing for me - well, for us...

Wilde One (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now