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I feel guilty not being able to be there for thanksgiving with Chris's family. Even though I don't celebrate it they still wanted to include me. Instead all of us on tour are having a mini one in Taylor's hotel suite when that time comes around.

Thankfully we're only an hour ahead in time at the moment and so it's been easy to talk to Chris in between rehearsals. It's hot as balls here in Argentina though, and all of us are feeling it. We've also been rehearsing for when Rep TV is finally announced (very soon!) so I've spent most of my time trying to fall the right way as the trap door under me opens. Thankfully underneath is a crash mat so I can just fall and roll straight off. People in the upper blocks of the stadium may get an angle of that, which is hilarious to think about but I've got a couple of bruises from falling wrong.
I'm enjoying this part of the show though, as I get to skip around, flip some of the other boxed up 'Taylor's' off and just act evil.

One more day until Chris gets here. He promised, and soon will be boarding a plane  to come see me. He texted me about a half hour ago to tell me that he was on his way to the airport so naturally I'm excited.
We've had a couple of dinner dates with Taylor and Travis. Ryan and Blake joined us one evening as well, along with Myles and Keleigh Teller. Of course the paps are always out in full force and had a complete field day when they saw us all.

"It's like you and Travis shot your shot and ended up with your dream lovers". Kam says as we and the other dancers are out sight seeing. We've just taken a group shot that's going on Instagram later. 

"Yeah, but I didn't think mine would respond to a Tik Tok though". 

"Credit to his brother for showing him". Natalie smirks. 

"So how has it really been? Y'know with the press and stuff?" Kam now asks, wanting to know if it's been as brutal as it's sounded. We have a group chat going so when we're on a break from tour then we're checking in to see how everyone's doing. 

I shrug . "I've just had to take whatever shit has been thrown - good or bad. Gonna have to either way, but Taylor's been good at just telling me to block them out. So I've been doing my best". 

I really have. I don't read anything about Chris and me anymore, whereas when it first came out that we were together I couldn't help but to do just that. 

"Thing is, you guys look soooooooooo fucking good together, and I'm not even kidding. I see pictures of you and I'm like 'yeah they're gonna have gorgeous babies'". Natalie grins. 

I laugh at this but shake my head. "Not yet, I've gotta make it to the end of tour before I even so much as think about anything like that". 

Now Sam pipes up. "You talked about it though?" 

"Briefly". I lie because we've actually talked about it a lot. "It's just a case of rolling with things as they are at the moment". Well, that part is true. 

"Do you think you guys will get married and stuff though?" Kam asks. "Coz you know we're all rooting for it right?" 

"Of course you are". I say knowing they've probably all placed their bets as to when Chris could potentially propose (if he's that serious enough). "And probably? I mean I can see us together and having all that. It's just when? Probably after the tour ends? I don't know". 

Sam nods. "You do realise that we all wanna be at this wedding when it happens right, because you can't get rid of us after tour that easily". 

I laugh as we make our way to the restaurant we've chosen for lunch. "Trust me, you're all gonna be there". I wanna get off this subject ASAP. I'm talking about a wedding that doesn't even exist. If anything, I've put my bets on Taylor and Travis tying the knot first. He's going to be at these shows as well so Chris won't be watching alone. 


"So we're gonna keep an eye on the weather and make a decision soon - like, the water level is literally rising in the stadium so fast". Taylor explains to us during a quick meet in her room. The weather has turned awful and it looks like tonight's show is going to have to be postponed. I worried about Chris and his flight but he texted me a while ago to let me know that he's landed. 

"So are we getting tonight postponed to Sunday?" So eone asks.

"Yeah" Taylor nods. "One hundred percent, we're just waiting to see if the venue ok's it and we should be good to go - just means more work for the crew to get everything packed up and onto the next location that's all". She says. 

It's not her fault, she can't control the weather although some fans would beg to differ. 

The meet up finishes and Taylor catches me on the way out. "Did Chris get here ok?" She asks. 

I nod. "Yeah, he's on his way to the hotel, have you heard from Trav?" 

"Yeah, he should be landing soon, at least we can actually spend a bit more time with the guys I guess". She shrugs, but I can tell that she feels bad that we need to cancel tonight. 

I put my arm around her. "Can't change the weather. Just enjoy chilling out together - that's what I'm planning with Chris. Movie or two and room service pizza". 

"And some really hot sex". She smirks knowing full well I'll probably be doing just that. 

"Just don't break yourself before tomorrow - otherwise we'll be postponing another night". I joke and let her go wait for Travis while I return to my room. 

It's not long before there's a knock on the door and Chris is there with his bag. I practically jump on him the moment he walks through and bury my face into his neck. "Hi baby". I close my eyes and just savour the fact he's here. 

"Hey beautiful. So you said Taylor's cancelled tonight?" He asks as I get down and show him the photos and videos that Scott Swift has sent all of us. Trust him to be right in the action. "Holy shit, yeah you can't do a show like that". 

"The fans would have to bring inflatable boats and stuff, so I guess you get me all to yourself for tonight with pizza and chill in here if you're ok with that?" I ask. 

"Harps, I'm good with whatever as long as you're there". He says and kisses me. "Now has your fearless leader put you on a sex ban in case of injury? Or am I allowed to throw you on the bed and say hello properly?" 

I snake my arms around his neck and deepen his kiss. "I could do with the exercise considering we're not performing tonight. Gotta keep my strength up somehow". 

"Get your clothes off and onto that bed, Wilde". 

Wilde One (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now