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I finish applying some lipstick as Chris comes into the bathroom and slides his arms around me from behind, pressing a kiss into my shoulder. "Is there anything that doesn't make you look this good?" He asks, still kissing my shoulder and neck.

"My hangover state".  I reply dryly.

We're getting ready for Scott's party. Chris decided to inform me last night that he thinks it's a dinner, however Lisa wanted to surprise him, and has been conspiring with his boyfriend. So now I suppose I really am being thrown to the lions as family and friends will be there.

"Can't wait to see you in that either". He mutters and lets me go. I turn to see what he's dressed in and honestly? I wanna just say 'fuck the party' and just stay in bed with him all evening - but I can't, because we've been tangled up in one another for the last forty eight hours since my arrival. "Ready to go?" He asks, and I nod - grabbing my bag.

It's nice to feel the normality with him, such as driving to places, not being hounded. We went to the store yesterday, took Dodger to the dog park. No one bothered him. I really do see why he prefers home.

"Don't forget the present". I say, remembering we left it in the living room. I'd asked him last week what I could get Scott and he just told me he had it covered. I've still brought him something anyhow.

We make it to the party, which has already started - but it's hasn't been going for long. Lisa sees us and her face lights up, coming over to us and giving me a hug. "Harper, you look beautiful!"

"So do you, I love this". I gesture to her dress. Honestly she's looking like an absolute Queen.

She waves it off. "Been saving it for something like this". She now looks at Chris. "No tie?"

"It's a party ma, not a premiere". He smirks. His shirt is open at the top a little and it's making me hot under the collar as well as other body parts. It's the tattoos peeking at me, I just know it is.

She grins and then I hear a loud shout. "CHRIIIIIIIIIS!"

Yep - it's the birthday boy.

Scott comes over with his boyfriend in tow and then sees me. "And you brought Harper!" He hugs me. "It's nice to meet you finally!"

"You too". I say as we pull away and I say hello to Steve. "Happy birthday".

"This is amazing, I was only expecting dinner, but mom decided to pull it out the bag". Scott says as he quickly waves to a few friends. "You guys want a drink? Let's do shots!" 

Oh no. 

"I'll stick with wine first I think". I say as we head to the bar, Chris's hand on my waist as he protectively guides me there while saying hi to some family. 

"Think I can get you wine drunk enough that we can sneak away to somewhere private while no one's looking?" He whispers into my ear and I shake my head

"Nope. You need to be on your best behaviour". 

He throws me a look. "I always am". 

"We both know that you're lying". I kiss him just below his ear, then running a hand down the side of his beard that has currently made me raw inside of thighs. Honestly. I have no idea how I'm walking tonight. 

I meet his sisters, their kids. It's not as daunting as I thought it would be, now that I've had a couple of drinks. All the while, Chris keeps a hold around my waist, or his lips on me - not caring if his mum or sisters are present. It's just a nice atmosphere. 

"Harper! Come teach me Vigilante Shit!" Scott comes over and pulls out one of the chairs from the table. 

"No". I tell him slowly. "There are kids present". 

"But I wanna learn it!"

"So watch the hundreds of Tik Toks that fans have put up". I tell him. 

No way in hell, am I about to teach him this dance while his family are present. 

Scott isn't giving up. "What if Chris was the chair..." 

"Okaaaaay, let's get you another drink and let Harper enjoy herself". Lisa comes to my rescue and drags her son away 

Chris leans into me. "I wouldn't mind playing that role..." 

"You've already had a private performance, now drink your beer". I push the bottom of the bottle up to his mouth. 

"Can I get the explicit version? I haven't had that". He grins. 


He does so, then taking the other bottle that he's not drunk, and taking my hand. "C'mon, we're going to dance anyway". 

I throw him a look. "You can dance can you?" 

"Oh, the best! Anyone will tell you". He snorts as though it's common knowledge. At best I know it's certainly drunk dancing. He's already told me that he and Scarlett are usually the last ones on the floor at any party. 

"So come show me then". I laugh as I can feel the wine beginning to hit now. 

There's a few people on the dancefloor, and he doesn't hesitate keeping his arms around me, as though I'm about to make a run for it. Soon others join us and we're all having a hell of a time. Its probably the first time in a while I've enjoyed myself at something like this. 

Soon it's a mixture of drunken kisses and spurring others on to drink more. Chris keeps me close, placing another long and hungered kiss on my lips. "I...I ever told you how much I fucking love you?" He asks, and I know the beer has gone to his head. 

"Mhmmm" I nod. "But I like hearing it over and over again". 

"Well I do, I love you - I love you a hell of a lot". He keeps going. "Don't go back to New York". 

I laugh because at this point, he's a cute mess. "I'm not for the next couple of weeks, you know that". 

"No. Ever. Stay here with me and have aaaaaaaall the babies..." 

Oh boy, he's hammered. 

I crane my neck slightly to plant another little kiss on his lips, as his hands move around to rest on my ass. "You are very, very drunk". 

"Drunk on you". 


My hands snake around his neck and now we seem to be swaying from side to side despite the music not even being slow. "We will talk about this tomorrow when you've sobered up". The wine is making me spiral a bit too, like I'm in a happy little bubble with just him and no one else. 

"I reeeeeally wanna be that chair". 

Ok. I think it's time to clock out. Plus it's almost midnight. "I think we need to get you home, come on". 

"I get to undress you right?" 

"I think at this point you won't even be able to undress yourself". I tell him and we say our goodbyes, he and Scott giving one another a big hug and clapping one another on the back. 

This is going to be interesting to recount during the stonker of a hangover we both have come tomorrow. 

Wilde One (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now