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"I'm getting too old for this shit". Chris grumbles as I crawl back into bed and pass him the aspirin. He's a little worse for wear as am I. I really don't know how much we consumed, but we had even more when we came home. The empty wine bottle on the side is enough proof, just as the lack of clothes is.

"We did have quite a bit". I say and snuggle back down again.

He laughs tiredly at this. "You sounded so British then, it's too cute". Rolling over, his arm pulls me into him, nuzzling his face into the back of my neck. "Y'know...sex would really cure this hangover".

"We're not having hangover sex, because I know for sure one of us will be sick - and it won't be pretty". I close my eyes and let his hands wander.

"I could still be that chair..." he says more to himself than me, but it sounds so fucking sexy that even my vagina is telling me to just let him have his way.

I shift and turn in his arms so I can face him. "Do you even remember what you said last night?"

"Oh god, go on - tell me". He groans rolls to lie on his back, running his hands down his face.

"Well, for one - you want me to have 'aaaaaaaalll the babies'" I quote him, "and you also want to pretty much keep me here".

He contemplates this and then chuckles tiredly. "Drunk me isn't wrong though".

"Drunk you almost fell out the cab, and then actually did over Dodger when we got back here - you're a menace".

"It didn't help that you are grinding your ass against my dick for half the night while you were also drunk might I add - I had to hide the constant boner by keeping myself against you".

I shake my head at him. "I know, I felt it".

We look back at pictures of us from last night, videos too. I have to admit - we look good. Dodger comes and lays at the end of the bed while we end up drifting back off to sleep for another few hours. By the time we wake up, it's almost lunchtime.

Lisa calls as Chris groans as he rolls over to grab the phone and answer. "Hey ma..." I just lie against him, savouring every moment I have, because I know when I'm on your I'm gonna miss it a lot. He moves the phone away. "Ma's doing a late lunch for us all. You up for it?"

"Sure, does she want us to bring anything?"

I hear her say no down the line as she must've heard and nod. "Just Dodger then". I know he'll be spoilt with treats and fuss just as much as his dog dad gives him.

She gives us a time, which is roughly an hour or so - but it's enough to get up and make ourselves look a little more alive.

Chris slips into the shower while I'm in there, soon hoisting me up and pinning me between him and the tiles. "I don't remember half of what we did last night, so I need to make up for that". He says and pushes into me, bodies wet against one another as the water rains over us.

"I don't even know how we managed to succeed in the first place. We were pretty gone". I laugh, breath hitching at him thrusting into me harder.

I can't really say much more as we move together, he lets me down, turning me to face the wall. "Hands against the tile, gorgeous - and bend over".

The way he says this almost makes me come there and then, but I do as he says, Chris then thrusting deep into me from behind. He moves harder, faster, until I gasp and feel myself release, just as he does so into me. My legs are shaking, and I'm pretty sure they're about to give way as he pulls out, then turning my head to the side so he can kiss the corner of my mouth. "Love you, Harps".

"Love you too, Evans".


"I feel like a dumpster fire". Scott says as we all congregate at Lisa's for the buffet style lunch she's made. A lot of us are looking worse for wear, the birthday boy especially.

"You look like one too". Chris replies.

"Coming from the guy who fell over his own dog". Scott fires back with some satisfaction.

Chris turns to me, "wait, did you tell him about that?"

I grin. "May have mentioned it in passing - it was pretty funny, shame I couldn't get it on film".

"Harper" he says through gritted teeth and then looks at his brother. "I heard you threw up on the porch".

Scott's cheeks flush. "Not really my finest moment, but I cleaned it...well, Steve kinda did - I just went and laid on the stairs and yelled instructions".

"Doesn't count". Chris replies.

"Does too! Anyway, we're both alive, that's all that matters". Scott says. "Well, sorta alive".

I feel my phone vibrate and take it out, seeing notifications on Instagram popping up thick and fast. I frown and open it up, seeing the follower count rising, comments coming in on various pictures. "What the hell?" I utter as Chris looks at me.

Then I see the root of it all.

Scott's bloody Instagram story. Chris and me are in the background being all close and cute.

"You know you said you were alive? You're not about to be". Now showing him the story.

"Oops..." the younger Evans brother makes a face and now Chris looks at it, his own phone flagging with notifications. "Guys I'm so sorry, I didn't realise - I posted it when I got back this morning..."  he now apologises as Chris scrubs his face with his hand in frustration.

We're fucked.

Everyone is now going to know about us, and I can tell that things are probably going to get a little harder from now on. I just need to be prepared for anything. Negative comments, perhaps a little more attention than I would like. But I guess it's game on.

Wilde One (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now