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I love getting back from a gig and then within half an hour Chris will call. It's become a routine, we speak to one another by text throughout the day and then come the evening, late or not, he's always at the end of the phone.

"You know you really don't have to wait up for me to finish, especially if you're tired. Your phone bill's gonna be high". I collapse onto the bed one evening.

"Just as well I've got unlimited calls and texts". His tone is smug. "Besides, it's doesn't bother me - plus it relaxes me before bed"

He wouldn't be saying that if I were there with him - and I must've said this out loud because I hear him go "oh?" In a rather suggestive manner.


"I mean, I'm..." ok there's no getting out of this one. "Yeah alright - there wouldn't be any relaxing whatsoever".

August better fucking hurry up. It's literally four weeks away and I'm already planning what to shove in my case. I'm going to be in Boston for a few days - Chris has offered a room at his place but overthinking like I always do, I don't wanna be a burden. So I've got a room at a hotel not too far from his.

"Ok, I'm switching this to FaceTime". He announces.

"I'm gonna warn you, I look a complete state". Inside I am panicking as I really do look like a wreck.

"I very much doubt that, Wilde". He tells me. "Answer".

Yes sir.

I press the screen to accept, quickly checking that the front camera isn't screwing me over like it usually does, and then I can't help but grin as I see him now appear.

"Go on, scream in horror and run away". I tell him.

His smile never leaves his face. "Rather be screaming for a better reason, and I just found it".

Geez, I'm getting hot.

"Well, this is the look you'll probably be seeing if you end up face timing me after the show".

He shrugs it off. "I think I can gladly live with that. You're gorgeous". Immediately I can feel my cheeks burn and laugh nervously. "How'd tonight go anyway?" He quickly says so as to make me feel at ease.

"Well, I almost stacked it during Enchanted, that was fun - but otherwise no mishaps".

Shit happens.

"Didn't hurt yourself though did you?" His sickeningly gorgeous face is now filled with concern.

I shake my head. "Nah. I've had worse. Things happen, sometimes the stage will malfunction and we have to improvise but we're prepared".

"You're professionals, you've got this". He says and shifts himself as he lies in bed. I can tell he is considering Dodger is next to him.

"He looks peaceful". I note.

"Ah yeah, Dodge - say Hi to Harper". He turns the camera round so I now have a shot of Dodger. "Conversation is one sided". He tells me and then turns the screen back to himself.

By now I've made myself comfortable lying on my front, and have propped the phone up against my pillows. "I may fall in love and run away with him when I come to see you". I now joke.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did, but something tells me that you're not the kinda girl who's into good boys".

"And whatever gave you that idea?"

We seemed to have now upgraded to flirting.

"I mean you're talking to me..."

"And behind closed doors you're anything but that?" I suggest.

"Depends on what door it is". The look he's giving now is making me wet between the legs. He then gives me another shrug. "Guess you'll just have to come to Boston and find out".

I am all but ready to ask Taylor whether I can borrow her jet.

"Is that a challenge?"

"I mean, you're still coming right?" He double checks.

Now it's my turn to look smug and shrug at this. "Depends on who's trying to make me".

That Boston laugh sounds and all he murmurs is, "naughty girl".

"Let's face it, you set yourself up for that one". I rest my chin on my hands that are underneath it.

"I guess I did".

I smile. "Don't worry, I'm not about to stand you up. I'll be in Boston before we both know it".

"I know. I guess face time will just have to do until then unless you just wanna stick to calls?"

"You're lucky that I like to look at you, Evans - of course I wanna FaceTime if it means I get to see and speak to you every day"

I've become so used to his calls now that I couldn't really imagine getting back to the hotel and not speaking to him. We've got ourselves into a routine of sorts as the weeks have passed us by. We've slowly got to know one another too - although we still have a lot to learn about each other.

He chuckles. "Go on, I'll let you get some sleep. Talk tomorrow".

"Already wishing it was then". I tell him, because I really am wishing the days away if it brings me a step closer to finally meeting him.

"Yeah". He agrees softly. "Me too".

Wilde One (Chris Evans) 18+Where stories live. Discover now