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"Hey Lisa? Still good?" Jisoo snapped her fingers directly in front of my face. I must've been spacing out for so long that I haven't noticed this woman sitting in front of me, who's about to be interviewed.

"Uh yeah. Sorry about that." I apologised and diverted my attention to this woman. She's kinda pretty, I admit, but I don't like her styling. I internally sighed for the nth time again today. This will not work, I guess.

I looked at Seulgi, hoping to get my signal. I don't want to embarrass this woman by rejecting her right away without getting interviewed. Gladly, Seulgi noticed my expression and immediately asked the woman to follow her outside. I'm glad I have these two.

"Let's call it a day, Chu." I exhaled deeply and leaned back on my chair.

"This is fucking useless." I added in frustration.

"I feel so too. We can't find your match and who can play your rules." Jisoo dropped the envelope in the table and dropped her body on the couch.

"We need a break." She said while her face was buried.

I nodded without her seeing it, I just know she knows my answer. I kept swriling around with my swivel chair until Seulgi came inside.

"I already talked to her. And yep, she thought you would offer millions." she chuckled and sat down.

"Just as I thought." I uttered weakly. I don't have much energy for this. This is making me frustrated, and let's add the issue to my company. I think I might die with frustration.

"I just need a woman who doesn't give a shit about money and me." I bleated and facepalmed.

"Aha!" Jisoo exclaimed, which made us startled and looked at her direction.

"I know someone who fits your terms!" Jisoo added and got up on the couch.

"Go on, tell me." I stated. I hope this is it. I'm tired of this shitty interview thing.

"Jennie." She said and smiled devilishly. I was stunned with the name she dropped. Got me staring at her for how many minutes before talking.

"No can do." I rejected her at instant and turned my back on her.

"Come on! You want this thing to end already, right? Come to think of it. Jennie is rich, and she doesn't give a fuck about you. She didn't even contacted you even if she knows that you're back! Do you know what that means? She doesn't think of you! She's perfect for this!" She dashed in front of me and pulled me by my shoulder. I don't know if I should be hurt with the reality she stated but fuck, she said the truth.

"I don't know, Jisoo. She's a busy person." I reasoned out, but I know Jisoo, she's a persistent person.

"You didn't even ask her." she raised her eyebrow.

"She's right, Lisa. It will take us forever to find your setup wife if you let this slip." Seulgi entervined.

I guess I gotta give this a shot.

Jennie, as my wife? I've imagined that when we were still together.

I've never thought that we have come to this. This is just a pretend anyway. Nothing special. No love, no strings attached, and be on your own wife thing.

"Okay. I'll try to talk to her." I said in defeat.

"There you go! We're done then! Ah! Finally!" Jisoo raised her arms like a child and hopped her way to the couch. Kiddo.

"Tell me her company's address then. I'll visit her after we eat. I'm kinda hungry." I gathered my things and pulled my car key on my drawer.

Jisoo and Seulgi took me to their favourite restaurant. And there's no doubt, their dishes are amazing. I guess I'll need to thank them for introducing this restaurant to me.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now