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Some of the troubling feelings inside me faded for at least a day. I know I can't get rid of it this instant, but Jennie's suggestion to remain with our parents was a smart one. Our issues and discoveries did not even set up in my thoughts for a second. Another positive part is that we talked about our past. I was going to ask her after everything was settled. Luckily, the timing yesterday night was ideal for us to tackle it.

But I feel like something has shifted. Jennie appeared preoccupied with something. She has been zoning out several times since we left our parent's house. Is she upset about something in particular? Is she unhappy from last night? Is she unsatisfied with the way I did her? Or is she upset because Mom and Dad teased us after hearing our noises last night? I don't know. I can't catch her.

Or I'm just overreacting? Maybe she's on her monthly period. Damn, she's scary as fuck when she's on her period. She's like a volcano who will erupt at instant when you do something that will trigger her. Should I wait for her to talk about it? Or I should take the initiative?

Fuck. This thing should not be a concern for us anymore. Damn it, I'll ask her now.

Here goes nothing.

"You know, if you're unsatisfied with our lovemaking last night, I can make it up to you right now inside this car." I said with a raspy voice to get her attention.

And it was a great move. She immediately smacked my shoulder and blushed. She's acting cute now.

"It's too early for you to flirt like that!" Jennie exclaimed while giggling.

"And who said I'm unsatisfied? Gosh, you always satisfy me every session. Stop acting like you're not rough." She added and shook her head.

"Well, I'm glad to know about that. I thought my performance was no good for you." I laughed again. I can't let a long silence between us again. This is the perfect time.

"So, is there something bothering you? You're not on your usual self. You can open up to me, love. And I'll do anything to help you." I glanced at her. She took a moment to stare at me before heaving a sigh. Yep, something is really bothering her mind.

"Nothing." She said plainly. I was about to talk again, but she cut me off.

"I'm just-I'm just worried about my perfume's sales today. Today is the release date of it, Irene gave me a heads up. I'm just, you know. I may not reach my customer's expectations." Jennie looked down and played the string of her blouse.

"Hey." I reached for her hand.

"You don't have to worry about anything. All of your crafts are perfect, and I know everyone will love it. Your taste, designs, and lineups are perfect, just like you." I placed my hand on top of her hand.

"Thank you, love." Jennie smiled. I hope I alleviated some of her concerns. If we hadn't gotten into this situation, if I had handled it sooner, she wouldn't have had to take a leave of absence and delegate the work to her subordinates. This is entirely my fault.

"I'm sorry. You could've handled and checked the processing part if you weren't in this situation." I said with a low voice.

"Hey. It's not your fault. Like I said, everything around me and you, everything that's happening with you, I won't hesitate to do anything that would help you settle it. This is also a part of it. It's not your fault. Okay?" Jennie squeezed my hand. Even so, you married a problematic person, who's life is always in danger.

"I'll take every measure to take them down. All of those who are involved in this shit. I won't let even one walk away. I'll let them suffer until they feel the despair that they gave us." I tightened the grip on the steering wheel. Jennie knows when I talk like this, I will eventually do it.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now