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My mouth craves to tell Lisa about Dad. It was supposed to have happened last night, but the talk was so bad that I kept quiet about it.


"Kai mentioned Dad a while ago." Lisa added, which made my heart beat faster again.

"Wha-what did he say?" Despite my nervousness, I managed to remain calm. And the way she looks at me is making me jittery inside.

"He claimed he knows where Dad is. I believe he kidnapped him. He won't say anything. I guess he prefers negotiating. Perhaps he wants to make an offer to Dad in exchange for the paper. He's that desperate." It felt less heavy, but I'm worried that when I see Kai, he'll taunt me about the problem with Dad. If Dad really did this, then I'm assuming Kai already knows that I know the real identity of Dad. So I'll have to be cautious until the perfect time comes.

"I'll kill him." My eyes expanded. My lips start to argue, but before I can say anything, she speaks again.

"I'll kill everyone or anyone in their organisation once I capture them. No one is an exception. If it happens to be someone I know, I'll not hesitate to take him or her down. I hate those people who stab me at my back. This time, I'll be harsh. I mean, we talked about this already, right?" Lisa looked at me.

"Ye-yes. Just make sure you won't be arrested by the police. In your view, that's justice. But for them, that's murder." I responded quietly.

"Don't worry. I have allies among the military and the police force." Lisa grinned as she drew me close to her body and kissed the top of my head.

End of flashback

For the entire night, I carefully considered if the optimal timing was when Jiwon or Kai were removed from the picture. I mean, it will at least alleviate my concerns, right? No one would dare to reveal it to Lisa aside from me. I simply hope Jiwon's trial goes smoothly. Lisa and I got up early to attend his hearing. Attorney Park also offered to serve as LLOUD's and Manoban Corporation's legal representative.

While driving, Lisa's phone vibrated. She immediately answered it since it was her agent who was calling her. Fuck, don't tell me something happened again?

"Fuck! Dispatch everyone and find him!" Lisa shouted in frustration. After dropping her phone, she accelerated her car.

"What happened?" I asked her. Fuck, she's furious as fuck again!

"Jiwon's transport car got ambushed! He got away again! Damn it!" Lisa exclaimed. I can already sense her rage. This is bad. It's really bad. Fuck, when will this end?! It hurts me to see her being like this!

"Love, I'm going to drop you off to the hospital. I can't let you go with me. It's too dangerous." Lisa uttered and turned back the car.

"Okay, please be careful. Call me immediately, okay?" I placed my hand on her hand, which was griping the gear shift.

"I will. And please, don't go outside mom's room." She added. I nodded in response, didn't even withdraw my hand from her to at least calm her down.

Lisa drifted off as soon after dropping me off. I hope she can find him. Things are becoming messier by the day. Fuck, when will this be over? Mother is in a coma, Taehyung, who whom Lisa intends to obtain information, is still unconscious despite being in her facility, Dad is missing, Kai was apprehended but refused to speak, and Jiwon escapes all of a sudden. I'm still impressed that Lisa has been treating this problem meticulously. While I, my hopes are getting narrower. Don't get me wrong, it's just that the heaviness keeps pushing me down. Lisa's smile and love are the only things that's keeping me up. And I promised her I won't ever leave her again despite everything.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now