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The oppressive silence around the house is stifling. The dimness of what I've seen in recent days has faded into full white as I stare at the high ceiling, as if I don't know where to begin once more. I haven't attempted to go outside in the last few days. My body lacks the energy to move, and I've neglected it with meals. I only hope I can make it through the next few days because my blood now solely contains booze.

What Jennie did devastated me so deeply that all of my objectives were emptied down the tunnel like nothing at all. Elder Taeyang and Mino took over my asserted task because they knew what I was going through. If you've ever felt physically and emotionally compressed, you'll grasp how I feel right now.

When you are enraged, you tend to say things without thinking. Yes, I told Jennie that I didn't want to see her. I just wanted to sort incidents out. The revelation stings like fucking poison, bringing out the attitude of dominance I've been trying to suppress. My mind was deteriorating, and I had forgotten how to think clearly. I don't know how to move or even contact her since I'm not sure whether I'm prepared to face her. If you ask me, I still love her. I love her so much. It's simply that I didn't understand how she managed to withhold something from me, a critical piece of information that could help us solve our problem.

You are free to judge me now. Some of you may even believe that lying isn't a big deal. I want to respond, so trust isn't an immense resolve?

Despite this chaos, I've remained strong, but I didn't expect Jennie's a single mistake to shatter my entire being. That's her impact on me. The effect of Jennie on me.

"What the hell? Did a tornado visit you?" My eyes were still half closed when I looked to where Jisoo was.

Although my multiple attempts to drive Jisoo and Seulgi away, they remained on my side. They continually give me some attention before leaving home. My heart wanted to ask about Jennie, but my mouth and head kept me from doing so. You have no idea how much I was hoping they'd say anything about Jennie, but they didn't even mention her once. I guess they know what's best for me right now. Right? The wound is still raw. I just hope Irene and Rosé are with her at this moment.

"Get a hold of yourself, Manoban, will you?" Jisoo stood beside me with her hands on her waist, looking at me pitifully.

"Leave me alone." I weakly responded. I was about to turn my body back from her, but Jisoo quickly grabbed my hands and forcefully pulled my body up.

"I said, get up!" Jisoo exclaimed.

After a few minutes of prodding her, I finally gave up since I was too weak to move. Jisoo scooped up all of the empty beer bottles, unopened food, and even several sealed water bottles that they gave to me. She wrinkled her head in dismay when she realized I'd only had beers in the last few days.

"For fucks sake, Lisa. Are you trying to kill yourself?" Jisoo asked again.

"I'm making the job of my enemies easier." I chuckled, but it didn't last until Jisoo hit me with a bottle.

"It's not funny!" She yelled. Although Jisoo is the most crackhead among us, she's so damn strict when she's serious about some matter. Today, it clearly shows.

Jisoo cleaned the entire kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Prior to this conflict between Jennie and me, there was barely any trash or dirt in the house due to Jennie's meticulous cleaning. She keeps the house as clean as if it were her own baby. But now, our house hasn't felt her touch in how many days now.

Do you miss your mommy?

Because me, yes. I miss her.

"Chu." I mumbled after she sat down beside me.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now