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The past several days have been rather quiet around us. However, I chose not to lose attention and instead continued to observe my surroundings. The more silent they are, the more dangerous they become. The Manoban Corporation was also being pressed left and right. News organizations were always outside my firm, attempting to interview me about why I ceased the agents' services, despite the fact that the Manoban Corporation was well-known for its amazing success. However, I refused to interact with them. The announcement contains enough information for the public to understand. On the other side, even after I shut it down, requests are still piling up, and I'm scared it'll burst when I resume the services.

The interviews for the vacant positions were taking place every day. I had already promoted some of my colleagues, but the vice chairman position remained open. I elected to leave that out while considering who would be an effective match for the post. I will fill out the position after this issue is resolved. Even though the main company's primary focus has been impeded, its sectors are still rising to success, which is why I'm not concerned about any downfall.

While everyone else is doing their niche, Jennie and I are on our way to Jiwon's hearing in courtroom. As I had planned, Seungri would testify. Jiwon has already arrived at the court, while Seungri is still being transported. I hope everything goes smoothly and Jiwon ends sentenced to prison forever.

"Love. Everything will be okay." Jennie held my hand as soon as we arrived in front of the building.

"I know, love. I'm just-I mean, I can't wait for that man to rot in jail." I displayed a small smile.

"He will. Now, let's go?" Jennie asked.

I nodded, and we stepped out of my car. I instantly guided her beside me, with Hanbin and Wonwoo in front and behind us. Just as we were about to reach onto the landing of the stairs, we heard the police siren, signifying that Seungri had arrived. We both ceased walking and turned to look at him. As expected, the gang boss is shackled to his wrists and feet. Police are escorting and guarding him all around. I smirked at him as he kept an expressionless face. This is it. The day has finally arrived. This will be one of my best days.

Or not.

While walking, everyone in the nearby area suddenly ran and screamed. Hanbin and Wonwoo swiftly drew the guns and moved in between us, so I drew Jennie in front of me so I could safeguard her. Two gunshots broke out, and I felt as if my body was under assault because of what I witnessed. What the fuck. What the fuck! No, no! This can't be happening again!

Seungri's lifeless form went down, and the police quickly twisted the killer's arm, who was dressed in a police uniform. How did they miss that! They're extremely careless! I wanted to run to him and smash that attacker in the face till he ran out of breath, but I can't leave Jennie out on her own, and I'm sure she won't allow me to go near them. What made me further enraged was that the killer turned to face me and smiled broadly. They knew what I was intending! This is fucking outrageous! I thought the opportunity was on my side! Were they planning this all along? How could they do this so precisely? It appears like we are competing over who has the best strategies. Whoever their leader is, I'm sure he's a professional killer.

Jiwon's trial went on, but he was charged only with racketeering, bribery, and insider trading. I was infuriated during the court proceedings since the only person who could testify about him murdering my father was assassinated. My claims lack sufficient proof, causing my viewpoint to be refused. Jennie held my hand the entire time. She was aware of the simmering dissatisfaction within me that threatened to spill forth. I need to speak with that killer. I need him to reveal who told him to assassinate Seungri. It's impossible that he didn't see his face. Right, I just need to talk to him. I need to.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now