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My stomach growls when the delicious aroma of the food reaches my nostrils. Damn, it really woke up my body senses. When I moved closer to the centre of the bed, it seemed lonely. I suppose Lisa got up early to prepare breakfast for us. I gently opened my eyes and saw the curtain blinds have already dropped down. I guess Lisa has already adjusted it for me. She understands what frustrates me early in the morning. Lisa's little gestures warm my heart. She does this every day, and I can't stop flushing just thinking about it.

I glanced at our door and was puzzled to see it was half open. This is the first time Lisa has done so. She never leaves the door open. I know her. But I believe she did this on purpose so that I could smell the food she was cooking. She has a knack for getting me to pull myself up. Fine. You won this time, Lisa.

I carefully stood up and went into our bathroom cabinet sink to take pills before eating anything. I never missed a day of taking it to ensure that I won't get pregnant during times like these. We both want it, and we both want to have a family soon afterwards, but given our current situation, it'll be difficult for us, particularly me, to deal with. It will not be safe for us or our baby. I know it's not 100% effective, but at least we're attempting to control it. But if I do get pregnant, I'm confident we'll take every precaution to protect it from harm, I'm certain of it.

Lisa is incredibly caring and safeguards me from everything. How much even more for our baby? Right? My entire face was blushing upon reflecting about it, and my smile widened even more when I saw Lisa preparing our smoothie since the food had already been prepared.

"I know you'll wake up once you smell this. And I was right." Lisa giggled and made my way beside me. She handed me my smoothie and kissed me in my left cheek.

"Good morning lovely, breakfast is served." She whispered, then sat across me.

"I'm genuinely wondering what other meals you could prepare. You've definitely evolved from being a terrible cook to a skilled chef." I chuckled and sipped my smoothie.

"Oh wow. Blueberry Avocado Smoothie is now my favourite. It's so good!" I shrieked and sipped again. Lisa is literally good at everything. Damn, she's a full package. I'm a fucking lucky wife.

"It's my first time doing it. Thank you for the compliment, babe. I'll make more of it for you soon. And it's healthy for you." Lisa grinned and maintained her gaze at me. Does she want to gawk at me the entire time? I might melt in no time. Her stares are fucking penetrating me.

"Stop staring at me and drink yours too." I complained. Lisa chuckled and shrugged her shoulders at me.

"I can't help it. You're extremely beautiful. I can't stop looking at you. Damn, I'm fucking grateful that you're my wife." She continued. Her remarks are balmy to me, and every word and compliment she speaks will instantly reach my heart, which I will truly cherish.

"Why are you being so cheesy today? Gosh, Lisa, it's early in the morning." I reasoned out and tried to hide my blush. I know she'll tease me with it again.

"You captivate me every day. I just wanted to express my feelings. You can't blame me for it." Lisa responded and finally sipped on her smoothie. I found myself falling for her even more. Why is she so good in words? Damn.

"Anyway. I'll head over to Attorney Park after this. I'll have the girls join you here so you don't get bored. Is it okay with you, love?" Lisa asked, raising her gaze to mine.

"Looks like you're forgetting what we discussed yesterday. I told you I wanted to be involved in whatever you do and plan, love. I want us to work together on this." I refused, and when I saw her uncertain gaze again, I sighed and reached for her hand.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now