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Jennie and I went through our typical morning routine. Her wonderful smile and eyes brightened me in the first hour in the morning. It really helps me. I hope she understands that. I hope she perceived yesterday how important she is to me and how much I regard her safety. I hope she knew in her heart that I still love her, even if I didn't express it in words.

My work continues. I'm going into Manoban Corporation with a positive mindset and full of energy. Today is also a scheduled meeting with my executives to discuss the mission's recent failure. I hope to read everyone's body language to see who is nervous about it. If I really do catch someone, I'll let my agents look into it.

"The recent failure of the company's agent request had an impact on our brand and trustworthiness. According to what I've learned, Manoban Corporation has never experienced a failure before. It's the first time." I uttered while looking around. I also suspected they intended to intercept it and allow my second agent's request to fail to see how I would react.

"I'm not sure if it's on our agent skills or it's just that the enemies are really tough. Upon checking the equipment and weapons that they brought along with them, it was working well. I can't see any loophole in it." I said innocently, but my eyes are roaming into their faces.

"Their strategies may also be a factor. Guarding a VIP requires you to be constantly vigilant and mindful." One executive responded.

"I agree. I guess we need to level up their training." One executive followed up, and everyone agreed to it.

"Okay, then. We should not let our walls crumble. Father laid a solid foundation, and we must not allow failure to undermine it. Please, before accepting any request, make sure we can manage it. We can't afford to lose any more agents. We may run out of gas if we continue to accept calls without adequately checking. Also, I'd like a report on yesterday's incidents. Please give me the names of all the agents who died. We will provide compensation to their family. The meeting is adjourned. Thank you for your time." I straightforwardly uttered. I hope I did convince them that I won't dig deeper into it if the mastermind is inside the meeting room or any of his accomplice.

I couldn't tell which of them because they all had diligent expressions. None of them became apprehensive or anything. Even so, I hope they got what they wanted, to check on me and quit utilizing my people. My people are suffering because of their investigation on me. I can't let that happen again.

I waited until everyone got out. But to my surprise, Mr. Jiwon stood beside the table and waited for me to rise up.

"Lisa. You should instruct Jackson to carry out his job already. Our agents are collapsing. They need someone to lead their training. Our team is losing strength. Or tell him to improve their everyday training sessions." Mr. Jiwon uttered as soon as I went near him. What the hell? How did he know it? As far as I know, there was still no official announcement on who will handle the workforce of our firm.

I tried to remember if there had already been an announcement or if I had overlooked anything. But I can't be wrong about it. Could he be the one I'm attempting to catch? Who is the mastermind behind this predicament? My father's second-hand? The vice chairman of this company? Fuck. I couldn't trust anyone at this company.

"I'll try to talk to him." I acted cool despite me being furious about it. 

"Alright. I better get going now. I'm glad you know how to run your father's company." He smiled and nodded. I didn't give him any response. That's it. He's the one. I should do my part now. I couldn't be wrong about it, I trust my guts very much. And upon his gaze on me, he looked like he approved what I did. Like I said, I can read body language.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now