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The smells of bacon, eggs, waffles, and coffee permeated the entire unit. It hit my nose, causing my stomach to growl. I slowly opened my eyes to see her large picture window covered in grey venetian blinds, which added to the wonderful darkness of her unit.

I slowly got up and walked to her kitchen area. I leaned on the wall, watching her as she cooks breakfast. If this is how pretty my wife will be, I would definitely wake up late every day.

"How's your hangover? I'm surprised you managed to wake up early." I talked, and she was startled by it.

"You still haven't changed. Still sleeping without your shirt, huh?" She said while motioning her hand to me. That's when I realized, I'm only wearing a sports bra.

"Sorry." I responded and quickly went back to the couch to get my shirt. I forgot that I'm not in my condo. Fuck shit, why does it seem so natural being around her? 

"Come quickly. The food is ready." Jennie called me. Let's act normal, Lisa, shall we? Stop being too gawky in front of her.

I straighten my posture and calmly walked to the kitchen area. Jennie handed me the coffee she usually prepares for me way back. God, I miss the taste of her coffee.

"Thank you." I smiled at her, and she  did the same. She reached for her coffee before sitting down beside me.

"I should be the one who's serving you. I was planning to cook you breakfast in bed, and you woke up too early." I groused at her.

"It's my unit. And it's my responsibility to do this." Jennie uttered before sipping on her coffee.

"It's my way of saying thank you, for assisting me last night." She added.

I merely gave her a nod. I watched her eat her bacons. Her hair was wrapped into a bun, revealing the exquisite form of her face. Her soft skin makes you want to touch it whenever you get the chance. Her munching shows her chubby cheeks that make me wanna poke it. Everything about this woman is perfect. How did I become so lucky way back?

"Stop staring at me." Jennie complained after she chewed her food.

"Sorry." I laughed. Then silence hit us again. We can only hear the movements of our fork and plates.

We can't do this every time we're together. I mean, we're in good terms, right? So it should not be this way. We're friends, and friends do talk some other stuff. Right?

"Seulgi told me what happened last night. And I'm assuming that's the reason why you went to that bar." I break the silence. I almost regret saying it since she stopped eating, and sadness fills her eyes.

"I didn't make it. Today is the first day. It's only the first day, but every other fashion brand is making noise everywhere." Jennie talked faintly. She puts down her fork and drops her hands to her thighs.

"I asked a while ago to check our company's stock, and it's going down. I even requested them to publicize our new products, but it didn't help. Designers Week's reach pales in comparison to ours. We really needed it." Jennie added while her head is lying down, playing with the strings of her short.

"If this continues, our company may fail, and our investors may leave." She added.

"Hey. Don't think about that way. Everything will be alright. You'll eventually come up with new strategies, I know you. You're a fighter." I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you." She smiled, but after a few seconds, she giggled. I furrowed my eyes on her.

"Why are you giggling?" I asked her and removed my hand on her shoulders.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now