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Everything reverted to normal after what happened yesterday. As expected, Taehyung's parents have sought an additional investigation into his case, and Jennie's team is assisting them. Now, in my instance, we are already on our way home. Jennie dealt with my hospital discharge papers because my shoulder discomfort had seemingly subsided. I can't waste another day languishing in that hospital bed when my adversaries are still prowling carrying out their job. One of them has already assaulted me, and I refuse to let them do it again.

On the flip side, Jennie will return to her work. It was meant to be tomorrow, but she wants to review everything first before releasing her new products the day after tomorrow. I decided to call my clan and inform them that we would be seeing Seungri. I'll make my move on him now. I see him as one of the key figures in this situation, and I'll do whatever to get him to talk.

"Love. Please, bring someone with you." Jennie looked up to me before entering her car.

"I will. Don't worry, love. He's on his way. He'll be here any minute now. Remember, you need to do something with Kai. And when you talk to him, make sure that Hanbin can see you all the time." I instructed her and kissed her on her forehead.

"Yes, I will. Okay then, call me and update me if something happens, okay?" Jennie fixed my collar and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I will. Take care the whole day." I hugged her, and she nodded before entering her car. I gave out instructions to Hanbin also and asked him never to let his eyes out of Jennie. At this point in time, we need to double our security, and we need to move carefully.

When they drove away, I lingered for a bit, sitting inside my car, waiting for the agent I had hired from my own company. They handed me a list of names and their unique abilities so that I could carefully choose who I wanted to protect me. As a highly perplexed person, I even looked up anything linked to them on the Internet. They all seemed clean. After a few hours of consideration, I landed on Agent Wonwoo. He resembles the skill sets and athletic abilities I want. He's the ideal agent to protect me, and I hope he does his job effectively.

After a few minutes, he eventually came. He was already dressed in his formal uniform, and his weapon was securely fastened to his waist belt. He apologized for being a little late, which I didn't mind. With that, I drove off to the prison while he followed after in his own car. He appeared to be aware of how to maintain his distance, so I shouldn't worry about it and instead focus on my aim for the day.

I know I should think about my shoulder injury, but I can't help it. Taking some downtime feels like losing an element of my power. It appears that taking time off will only strengthen them and make them more likely to carry out their plans thoroughly. My mental and physical state should not interfere with my mission. This is nothing. This is nothing compared to everything I had been through and experienced. They let me feel hatred and pain, and I want to repay them three times as much.

"He's already inside the private room. Don't worry, no one knows about it. The warden helped us take him unnoticed." Elder Mino murmured to me as we walked to the private room. It's a perk that the warden in this prison is one of our colleagues. I can do whatever I want as long as it doesn't interfere with his work.

"Good work, Elder. Make sure to cover the entire area." I uttered lastly and entered the private room.

Seungri's eyes penetrated all over my face as he spotted me. He was entangled to a chair, and his mouth was draped in cloth. He was wriggling and attempting to remove the rope over his torso, intending to attack me. I sat down in front of him, smirking gleefully. I clasp my hand and ask Elder Taeyang to pass the agreement paper to him. After reading it, I told him to remove the clothing that was blocking him from speaking.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now