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It was our first day as newlyweds, and it was time to move our belongings to our new home. Gladly, the girls assisted us in putting our personal belongings in our bedroom. Yes, we will sleep in a different room for our own privacy and comfort. However, if any of our family members come to see us, we will undoubtedly pretend to be in the same bedroom. It will be that easy. We don't want to raise suspicions once they discover that we're sleeping in a different bedroom.

The good part is that there was already some furniture in the house, all we had to do was buy the things that were missing, such as a television, extra tables, extra cushions, cutlery, and so on. Fortunately, Jisoo and Seulgi volunteered to purchase those items. I also purchased a new pick-up truck for us to use and for them to use in buying everything we still need. I let Jennie, Rosé, and Irene design and arrange the inside. It's a good thing because I can focus on monitoring the installation of security alarms and CCTV throughout the house.

I was busy checking how they display the monitor of cctvs and it's controllers and buttons in our designated private room when my phone rang. I quickly took it out, and Mr. Park was calling me.

"Hello, Attorney Park." I stated and went outside the room.

"Where are you?" He asked at instant.

"I'm in our house, Attorney. Is there something I need to do or anything you want to say, Attorney?" I asked.

"Yes. I need you to take your first day now here in Manoban Corporation. You have a lot of pending entreaties that you need to check and approve." Attorney Park instructed.

"As in, now?" I asked while scratching my head.

"Yes. I'm already here. I'll wait for you, I'll introduce you to everyone." He uttered before he hung up.

"He should've informed me first." I mumbled while walking towards my room. Gladly, I already settled my things.

"Is everything okay?" Jennie asked concernly.

"Yeah, but can you handle everything here now? Attorney Park asked me to start my work at the Corporation already." I stated with disconsolate voice.

"Yeah, yeah. No worries. We're almost finished with everything. I'll drop by at my company after this." Jennie reassured.

"Okay then. Make sure to check everything before leaving the house, okay? I'll pick you up this evening." I told her. When Jennie nodded, I immediately went to my room and got changed.

Determination dominates my body, while the desire to enter the firm plagues me. This is it. This is the beginning of having the power and supremacy to lead everyone, the authority to control everything, and the position to force everyone to follow me. A wave of uncertainty is knocking at my door, and I'm about to open it. But it's difficult to express myself as someone I'm not right now in front of them. But I have to exhibit it. It is part of the plan.

Just as I expected, staff members are lined up on the first floor of the building to greet me. The heads of each department, as well as assistants and higher-level administrators, are all present. Including the appointed vice president of the corporation, Mr. Eun Jiwon, my father's trustworthy subordinate. I smiled cheerfully and thanked them for greeting me as I walked in front of them. Attorney Park assembled all of the corporation's high-level executives and introduced me. They all appeared innocent and pure, but I knew some of them were concealing their terrible acts behind their faces.

"I assume you met all of the important personnel in your firm, right?" Attorney Park asked me after I sat down on my designated office. My father's office.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now