PART 37 (M)

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"Lisa!" I shrieked as I sat up on my bed, my breathing becoming shaky and my heart racing extensively.

"Love, I'm here. It's okay. I'm here. You're safe with me." Lisa said, slipping her arms around my waist and pulling me to her chest. Fuck, I felt like my dream was real. It was that fucking bad and I hope it will never happen.

"Love, it's quite risky for you to skulk outside without me by your side. Hanbin is still in the hospital. Even if I send my best agent to you, it's still not safe." Lisa continued, looking down at me.

"What are you proposing?" I said softly. Lisa moped, turned sideways, and rested her right hand on the side of her head to face me.

"Can you take a leave of at least one month? Besides, I'm confident that everything will be in order within the next few weeks." Lisa remarked.

I took a moment perusing at her, and I could tell she was distressed. Her charming eyes were filled with anguish and desperation to protect me. I can't take that away from her. What occurred yesterday dreaded her. I witnessed her hideous eyes and face as she held her gun. She knows I don't want her to murder or take someone's life, yet after what happened yesterday, she wasn't hesitant to kill or take lives. And I know I can't stop her. I understand how she craves to protect me. I don't want her to repeat it. I don't want that scenario to arise again.

"You know, it was only my first day back after filing for leave the previous couple weeks." I chuckled.

"They're making a move on you. I can't risk it." Lisa said earnestly, despite me chuckling at her. She's extremely serious about this.

"Okay. Don't worry. I'll do whatever you ask me to do. Besides, I entrust Irene with the round job in my company. Now, please smile for me. It's stearly, and you're making a lumpy face." I stated, pinching her cheeks.

"I know what you want." I smiled and leaned in closer to her.

I pressed my hands to her cheek and kissed her lips gently. We both shut our eyes and relished the taste of our lips becoming into one. A few seconds later, she gently tugged me back onto the mattress and moved on top of me. She filled me with kisses before pulling away and grasping me in the eyes.

"Please tell me you didn't stop taking pills." Lisa whispered and started undoing the buttons of my night dress.

"Don't worry, I never stopped taking it." I said breathlessly. After weeks, we're going to do it again. God, I missed her being inside me, I missed her touches and kisses.

"Let's do this quickly, I still have some errand to do, babe." Lisa muttered, then kissed me immediately on my lips.

While kissing aggressively, we helped each other get rid of our clothes. When we're on our naked bodies, Lisa immediately brought down her kisses and engulfed her mouth on my nipples. Fuck, my body was clearly arching for this sensation again. My breath became unsteady while she was going down.

"Fuck, Lisa. I missed your lips down there." I moaned out and looked down on her. Fuck, she's so hot down there.

"I know, and it shows. You're so wet already." Lisa answered huskily before diving into my wet pussy.

"Oh god! Fuck." I closed and pushed my body back to the bed. My legs were trashing wildly as she ate me aggressively. She sucked my clit real hard and laps my nub non stop. Her index finger rolled below my flesh and inserted it at instant. It didn't take a while before she added another one and moved it in and out of me vigorously. I was moaning out loud and gripping the sheets tightly as her mouth and fingers continued to ravage my pussy.

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