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The clock continues to tick, fingers are tapping the table, and all I can hear is everyone's breathing in this room. We haven't found a solution to Jiwon's breakout since the meeting began. I almost dispatched all of my operatives, but no one could find him, not even his shadow. How skilled are they at hiding? Fuck it. I'm sure they're starting to create new plans again.

"What are we going to do now that we have the research paper?" Mingyu broke the silence.

Right. What would be my next step now? Honestly, I'm not sure yet. But I couldn't say that to them. How could their leader run out of ideas when all of their actions are dependent on me? Right? Jiwon's escape caught me off guard as well. My next idea was to bargain with him, but he escaped so effortlessly. Should I surrender it to Attorney Park already? And he will do the rest? Fuck. I don't know. Despite their stare, I kept silent, but not for a second did I hide my commanding expression.

I'm Lisa Manoban. I can't let myself grow uncritical about this terrible situation.

"I think we need to use Kai. We have him." Elder Taeyang answered on my behalf.

"How? He won't speak. We tried everything to convince him to reveal something, but he never opened his mouth. I even want to kill him because of how he grimaced all the time." Jeonghan, the leader of the interrogation team, remarked.

"As previously stated, we will be using that paper to lure them. Let me conduct the interrogation again. And for the rest, go cooperate with the police officers. And after you've found a lead, make sure that you locate him before they do. Okay?" I instructed, standing up with my head up high. I want to stand firm despite our struggles. It is what I trained for. My tenacity, assertiveness, and dominant personality are what I obtained through years of sorrow. Dad wanted me to become like this so that I could remain resilient in a situation like this. I will not waste it.

Actually, I'm not sure how to get Kai to talk, but I'll try other approaches. If physical suffering keeps him from opening his mouth, I will provoke him until he says something. That's his personality. Kai, unlike Taehyung, is obsessed with backing up all of his statements. When you oppose it, he will do anything to win the dispute. And I believe I have something in mind that will infuriate him.

When I entered the interrogation room, my lips quivered upwards from seeing him with all of his bruises. He was looking down, and I was able to tell he was already sluggish. I took the empty chair and sat in front of him, where he couldn't reach me.

"I'm amazed you can still breathe despite the tortures you've endured." I crossed my arms across my chest, followed by a chuckle, the perfect touch to get him to raise his head.

"You're not getting anything from me. I don't care if you kill me. I will never give you what you want." Despite his condition, his voice remained compelling. I see a tough guy here.

"Wow. That's how loyal you are to your boss? How lovely." I continued to annoy him.

"I can see why you still remained on my wife's side despite being rejected many times." I added. And I punched the perfect phrase. His eyes and disposition have changed. I'm sorry, love. I don't want to mention you to this obsessed freak, but I need to get him to talk.

"You stole her from me! I know her very well, and you stole my chances!" He shouted, veins popping on his neck. That's right, get angry all you want. I know you'll slip out something.

"Oh, really? We had previously been dating for a long time before you met her. We broke up, and I was out of the country, but we reconciled once I returned. Do you know why? She loves me. She loves me, and I love her." I leaned in closer to him.

Between Lies and Hatred [Jenlisa]Where stories live. Discover now