PART 27 (M)

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The sounds of my alarm clock echoed around my room, and I gradually opened my eyes to turn it off. I glanced at Lisa. She's still sleeping soundly. I suppose my body clock is earlier than hers. I softly removed her hands from my waist and gently rose up, not wanting to wake her. I wanted to cook us breakfast, so I went to my bathroom to wash my face.

After I finished putting the moisturiser, I leaned on the sink to wash it. I was busy rubbing my face with water when I felt someone on my back. Of course, who would it be? Lisa.

Lisa placed her hands on my waist and gently pushed her crotch on it. Letting me feel her cock. Fuck, it felt good. And she's already hard.

"Lisa.." I groaned when she kept dry humping our clothed sex. I remained in my position and let her do her thing. I was also getting wet because of the friction it gave.

"You're so hard for me again, huh?" I mewl out.

"I'm always hard for you. With just one stare, and I'm getting excited again." Lisa responded with a raspy voice.

"I want you inside me now, Lisa." I groaned since my underwear is already soaking with my wetness.

Lisa didn't have to be told twice. She pulled down my pajama along with my undies. She instantly pulled down her pants and rubbed her cock on my slit. I tightened my grip on the end of the sink and closed my eyes. I parted my legs wider for her to move comfortably.

"Ohhh" We both moaned when Lisa plunged her hard cock inside me.

Lisa thrusted slow at first, slow but deep. She pulls out he cock until the tip of it and hardly pushed it back. She kept doing that, but I wanted her to go faster.

"Lisa, faster. Fuck me faster, stop being gentle." I cried out.

This gave Lisa the authority to move faster. She began moving quicker, rougher, and harder, I could even hear the smacking of our flesh.

"Ahhhh Lisa." I moaned out, Lisa groaned with the sensation, and even smacked my buttocks. I can't even feel the sting of it because how good she's fucking me right now.

"So tight, Jennie. Ohh" Lisa moans my name. I took a glimpse of Lisa at the mirror in front of us and I saw how she enjoys watching her cock sliding in and outside of me.

"Oh my goodness, Lisa!" I exclaimed. Our whimper, gasps, and groans raised even more when I began meeting her pounding from behind.

"I'm cumming!" I moaned, bit my lip and threw my head behind. Lisa leaned closer and reached for my clit. She began rubbing and circling it, fuck! That drives me crazy!

"Ohhh yes yes fuck Lisa!" I cried out and I clenched her cock so tight when I released my liquid. Lisa didn't stop pounding me as I felt she was also near.

"Ahh fuck, I can't get enough of you. Fuckk!" Lisa's cock began twitching inside me and her thrusts became sloppy. With a few hard thrust, she finally released her seeds inside me, which made me cum one more time because of it's warmness.

We were both catching our breaths, Lisa was still behind me, leaning her body from my back. After a while, she slowly removed her cock, and helped me put back my pajama ang undies. I felt so damn empty.

"Good morning." Lisa whispered to my ears huskily.

"Your good morning greeting is damn amazing." I shook my head while helping me to stand up since my legs are still shaky.

"Only for you." Lisa uttered and turned me around to face her.

"Anyway, let's have a date tonight? I'll pick you up." Lisa smiled at me and began kissing my neck lightly. She's really liking what we're doing. And I don't want her to stop, I gave her my whole self and I don't want to share her from anyone anymore.

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