thirty seven.

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dedicated to hedyk95 for being more patient with Aidan and tolerating him more than I can sometimes, and also for making amazing comics about us xxx


"Nana! What is asparagus syndrome?" Eden, one of the twins asks, hurriedly walking into the kitchen with her bare feet padding against the tiled floor.

"Huh?" Gemma asks, sat next to Harry and Myra with a confused smile.

"Don't listen to her!" Odette, the other twin literally screams, running behind her sister into the kitchen in a similar dungaree outfit but with a different colour to hers.

"Nana!" Eden raises her voice, folding her arms.

"Hey, stop shouting will you? Myra is sleeping off, and just stop raising your voice," Gemma scolds, gently.

"Okay, Okay. What is happening here loves?" Anne smiles, cleaning her palms with the tea towel and squatting down to stare at her granddaughters.

It is a Sunday afternoon, the usual family lunch is happening and this is the first proper one after the awkward announcement of Gemma's pregnancy. Harry is feeling in the mood to be interactive, but his little angel is down with a flu and has adopted his own mannerisms of being extra clingy and just in need of some hugs when ill.

The twins have been messing about, playing in the garden with Niall and Robin, and just being themselves around the house. Harry is on full father duty, shocking everyone and cuddling his little girl close, ensuring her full support and love during this annoying flu. He has not stopped pressing little kisses to her forehead, and she has not let go of hugging him close.

Gemma knows this is a huge step, and this progress makes her proud of her younger brother, even more than before. Her own baby is growing but yet to start showing, and that has not stopped Gemma from already pulling in the oversized shirts and just concealing her stomach area in all black outfits for the mean time.

Anne smiles at the twins, observing their similarities and differences. Odette has now become a fiery girl with strawberry blonde hairy and fairy freckles dusted across the apples of her cheeks, and Eden is a chestnut haired girl that acts exactly like her mother with almost the same face. The twins stand next to each other, frowning and waiting for an answer from their grandmother about what asparagus syndrome is.

"Okay now, what is your question?" Anne asks, staring at them.

"What is asparagus syndrome?" Eden asks again, picking her words well.

"Where did you hear that from?" Anne asks, glancing at Harry and back at the girls.

"Well, her boyfriend in school has it!" Odette answers, standing in akimbo with a pose.

"Hey! No boyfriends till you're 30!" Niall calls out, walking past the kitchen.

"Shut up Horan. Till you are 20!" Gemma bites back, widening her eyes and noticing Harry groan a little.

"Frank has asparagus syndrome." Eden clarifies, frowning at her sister.

"He acts like Uncle Harry," Odette adds, smiling at her Uncle.

"You mean Asperger's Syndrome, right?" Anne asks them, sighing a little.

"Yes nana," Eden nods in agreement, pushing her back with a smile.

"Asperger's syndrome is an Autism spectrum disorder, sometimes known as high functioning Autism," Gemma answers them, knowing they would be confused.

"Mum that sounds too much!" Odette squeaks in shame.

"You need to understand what Autism means before Asperger's syndrome, vice versa loves, and we all know your darling Uncle is on the Autism spectrum, meaning he is Autistic." Anne adds, standing properly and smiling at her son.

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