Walking On Clouds.

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We are a little different...

Louis Tomlinson.

Ever since he set his eyes on him, he knew he wanted to know more about the blue-eyed lanky boy with long roughly curled hair. It made him question himself for a moment but he remembers being willing to have fun and be happy with anybody. Of course, this would be a challenge if he wants to push it forward with this new guy. He crushes the end of his cigarette to the brick wall and hisses at the mild cold in the air.

Watching Iman handle Harry with so much care makes him have little hope, but Liam is annoying and slightly protective because well Aidan is a bit more severe than Harry. Louis gulps remembering Aidan is just twenty one and he is twenty seven. It sounds like a mouthful, but in reality he does not even act his age. He rubs his palms together and adjusts his denim jacket before rushing to pick up his phone.

"What?" Louis hisses.

"Oh, you are kind," Liam scoffs.

"I just left your flat. Why are you calling me?" Louis sniffs, eyeing the massive house right across the narrow road.

"You seemed nervous, and I wanted to make sure all is well," Liam chuckles, mockingly.

Louis breathes out. "I'm fine, thanks."

"I'm heading to the hospital, to check up on Harry and Iman, he is going home soon," Liam adds.

"Good for you. I'm crossing the road and just trying my best, pray he does not attack me for being ruuuuude," Louis rolls his eyes, staring at the house with fear bubbling through his chest.

"Be nice and polite!" Liam warns, cutting off the call.

"Whatever." Louis clears his throat.

The few things he knows about Aidan's family are basic- three children with Aidan basically being the last child. Chad is his immediate older brother and they have an older sister, who is the same age as Louis. From the house and other things, Louis can tell they are relatively wealthy and comfortable. From Liam, he now knows that Aidan is extremely attached to his mother and his sister.

He crosses the road, hands tucked into his jacket pockets and confidence neatly nestled into the side of his heart. This is something that feels right, after a long time and he will not risk missing a chance, even if he ends up getting rejected or plainly called rude. Louis pauses, after briefly through the narrow path and standing in front of the light brown oak door. He balls up his fist, gulping down and carefully knocking with his knees dancing in anticipation.

After a minute or two, there is a shuffling sound heard and the door is gently pulled open...


What was the word? He knows it; he knows many words especially this one because it was used frequently in describing features and mostly things he liked to see. He groans quietly to himself as he blinks lazily, he bites on his bottom lip and rubs his elbow not removing his eyes from it as he tries to remember the word. Times like this he wishes he could easily change his attention and ask someone but that can wait anyways, the floral decoration spiralled down the water coloured vase in different ways that intrigues his weak mind.

"Pretty Hmn?" she hums and strokes his back.

That was it....that was the word, he fidgets and removes her hand immediately as it found its way to his shoulder.

He hurriedly nods in affirmation and smiles a bit to himself, how did he even forget it? It was short and simple to recollect so how did it slip from his head? Wondering what happened makes him giggle a bit loud but to himself.

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