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Iman sighs, sinking into the warm sofa and shutting her eyes close. There are a million thoughts racing through her head and the most important one is her feeling guilty for already having little feelings for Harry. It is not serious or severe but it is there. Harry is undeniably handsome, and he barely flaunts it. He is unsure and reserved. She never feels the urge to touch up on herself and act up, because it is obvious he is not fazed by all that. It might be too soon to jump the rope and say she likes him in that way, but there is certainly a massive soft spot the different man.

“You look like a freaking potato,” Lea, her mum says, settling next to her and placing Iman’s two legs on top of hers. A smile forms on her face and gently brushes a thumb across the forehead of her daughter.

“I feel like a…,” Iman raises a finger. “Permit me to cuss, a fucking potato.”

“Why? Because your first crush in god knows how many years happens to have a little daughter? Oh please Iman,” Lea giggles, staring at her and shaking her head.

“No, he is not my crush, oh no. I mean we are just friends and I am his library assistant plus the vice president of our comic club, Louis made Harry the president, but he is confused about the post and oh dear I am rambling,” Iman releases a deep breath, and smacks her lips together with a weak smile.

Lea slowly cocks up an eyebrow, observing the nervous and common shaky features of Iman. “Okay, he is not a crush but you like him?”

“No, I cannot like Harry, are you not present in this conversation mother?” Iman nervously laughs, rubbing her palms together and sinking further into the sofa.

“Sorry! I am present, so why are you bothered he has a kid? I mean does it disturb your activities in your comic club or what exactly?” a smile forms on the older woman’s face as she asks the question and Iman clears her throat.

“Fine,” Iman sighs. “Maybe I have little feelings for him,”

“Is he married or in a relationship?” Lea asks, making a hand gesture that implies Iman should carry on with the talking.

“Zack says he is single!” Daya says out loud, before rushing up the stairs.

Iman bites down her lips and sighs. “Okay it is Zayn, and yeah he says he is single.”

It was awkward when Myra stated that Harry is her Father and it made him very uncomfortable, so he walked away with his little girl and left Iman standing awkwardly with Zayn. Obviously, he did not know what to say and he was already anxious before she came so he had to leave. Iman easily feels invasive, so it was worse when she was left alone with a bright smiled Zayn. Zayn told her there was nothing to worry about and Harry is a single father, but Iman found herself piling up imaginary worries and mentally panicking at how their friendship would be.

At first, she was confused as to why it bothered her and she shrugged it off. As she dwelled in thoughts about Harry and Myra, she found herself getting bothered and a bit worried, then it made sense; she likes him in an affectionate way. This is not how she saw everything turning out, and it already feels horrible.

“So what is the problem love?” Lea asks, yet again.

“He…,” Iman clears her throat, looking away. “He seems too good for me. I mean he is all adorable, caring and thoughtful in this short while of knowing him. I have never really had that from a dude or a simply friend. Louis tries, of course, and I appreciate it, but for Harry, it is too natural and it makes feel so warm on the inside. I am not cut out for someone like that, I would scare him off and it is just a silly crush,”

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