Myra Christmas.

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Racheal Taylor is my choice for Myra Anne Styles, and Kristen Stewart is my personal choice for Eloise Martins, feel free to choose who you want. Do not feel confused, Yellow is completed and I wrote this for the sake of Christmas and the message behind it as well. Dedicated to everyone reading xx.

Happy Holidays xxxx


It's that time of the year, where her family and friends come around have a beautiful time, crack jokes, relish memories and be grateful for the annual blessings. Aside from family bliss, it's the period of couples showing love by doing the usual kissing in the snow, under the mistletoe and many more. It makes her heart ache, wishing she could proudly join and express her own romantic emotions.

The house is warm, smells of Iman's signature lamb chops browning away in the oven in a pool of melted butter, herbs and spices. Myra shrugs off her jacket, tossing her keys against the wooden slab and smiling at the person waiting to receive her at the foyer. He just had his own fair share of a growth spurt, basically the same height with their father now and almost the splitting image of a seventeen year old Harry.

Myra stares at him, watching him hide his fingers into the sleeves of his father's oversized maroon jumper and lightly bounce on his toes to express his excitement. It's been a few months since he's seen his big sister and now she's home for the holidays, he wants to spend enough time with her before the other girls take over. Besides, he knows she has something to tell him and he is curious.

Ryan stares at the wooden floors, mouth agape and muffled breathing sounding from him as he blinks and waits for Myra to let him if they would just stand there or go into the living room or her room. His room has just been cleaned up and he is not ready to mess up what mumma just took her time to. Living room, Myra's room or anywhere else would do for now.

"Hey babe," she finally speaks up, stretching her hand out.

"Hmn!" he happily takes her hand in his with a smile.

"Feels so good being home, I needed that walk," Myra giggles, leading him to the living room.

Olivia is out with her father to spend some time together and do a few Christmas shopping while Aneesa is still at the café, making sure she can finish up Christmas orders before grumpy customers have her head. He immediately settles on the sofa, urging her to sit next to him and curl up next to his big sister. Myra smiles, tenderly stroking his curls and smiling wider when he fidgets just like their father.

"You smell so nice," she compliments him.

"Hmn," Ryan hums, rolling in his lips.

"Are we trying with words? I heard Uncle Zayn is determined to help," she smiles.

Ryan groans out, curling up closer and his sister and trying to let her know this conversation should be based on what they were texting about, not his speech struggles. He lightly tugs at her hair, his non-verbal sign of telling her to change the topic and Myra giggles, pushing his hand away with an understanding nod.

"Eloise will be in London for Christmas," Myra breathes out.

"Oh!" Ryan blinks, forming an O with his mouth.

"Why are you acting so much like dad today?" she almost laughs.

"Any ways, yes, she will be in London for Christmas and she will stay in a Hotel," Myra says, ending the last words in a low tone.

The boy throws his head up, taking his eyes to the ceiling and admiring the tiny splotches of handmade clouds specifically made in a section of the living room ceiling just for him. He parts his mouth, letting out muffled breathing and blinking. He heard what she said, but he is listening and feeling suddenly attracted to the ceiling for now.

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