Flowers In Cracks.

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a/n- everyone asks me to describe what Aidan looks like or share a picture, my answer is Lol no. Im sorry i cannot do that because I choose to keep his identity away from social network. please imagine whoever you want and enjoy it, no harm there. im focusing on my other stories for now so see you around xx.


Adorned in a simple crisp white shirt, fully buttoned at the wrists and to the neck, tucked into finely ironed black trousers. His full hair is let down, shielding most of his face. He is walking around the garden, humming to himself and randomly skipping a step when a butterfly comes around him. It makes him giggle but immediately wear a frown, reminding himself to be upset or maybe anxious.

"Master Aidan, some tea?" Iris, his nanny, smiles, walking behind him.

He groans, shrugging in disagreement and clapping his palms to his ears. Aidan picks up his pace in front of Iris, still walking around the peony bush and attempting to avoid Iris. It makes her smile, shaking her head and sighing at the special boy. This is the same boy, she has spent most of her taking care of and tending to in the absence of his ever busy father, and caring mother.

"Should Iris make you some milk?" she offers, still smiling.

Louis walks into the garden, wearing a nervous smile and waving at Iris, before making his way towards the lanky boy. He gives a tender pat to his back, making Aidan jump a little and give a weak giggle at the sight of his now favourite person. A warm hug is exchanged between the two guys, making Iris conceal her knowing smile and stay quiet.

"Hey pal!" Louis smiles, adjusting his own suit.

"Lou-Lou!" Aidan giggles, holding his close.

"I told you I'll be here, didn't I?" Louis sighs.

"He was clearly anxious and even turned down some milk," Iris adds.

Louis gasps. "No way! Aidan turned down milk! Iris, why?"

"He wanted Lou-Lou," Iris giggles.

"Gooooooo awaaaaaaay," Aidan pouts, dragging his eyebrows together.

"Hey babe, come on," Louis smiles, holding his hand close.

"Shooooooooo," he flicks his hand at Iris, sticking out his tongue.

"Aidan, be nice," Louis sighs, staring at him.

"Iris...Iris...Iris not...not going a-away!" Aidan groans out.

"You need some privacy before dinner?" Iris cocks up an eyebrow.

"You cheeky old one! Yes, give us some space to be ready," Louis hums, trying not to smile.

"Take your time, but don't waste time. His father is a perfectionist," Iris warns before walking back into the main house.

Aidan smiles at her disappearance, leaning into Louis and humming at the thought of privacy for them before having dinner with his family and basically coming out to his father. He pouts his lips, making Louis press a gentle kiss and ruffle his hair.

This is their first time having dinner together with Aidan's family and Louis has plans on coming out to Aidan's strict father. The Tomlinson's already love and accept Aidan as one of them, even more because of his awesome persona and how easy it was for him to interact with them.

"Hey babe," Louis whispers, taking his hand with care.

"Lou-Lou," Aidan mumbles, flushing pink.

"Nervous?" Louis brushes his knuckle across his cheek.

"Noooooooooo," Aidan frowns, pouting.

"I trust you. Louis is a little nervous," admits Louis, who is leaning in close.

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